American Pipe Brands & Makers A - B

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F-US.gif American Pipe Brands & Makers
A - B C - D E - F G - H I - K L - M N - Q R - S T - V W - Z
A. Petersen Pipes Andrew Petersen (formally Quad City Pipes); Iowa
Adkins Dale Adkins
Admiral Anglo-American brand by E. Deguingand & Son and L&H Stern.
Aero Kool Merrill G. Sampson; Seattle, WA & Santa Monica, CA
Aerosphere E.A. Carey's Smokeshop 7090 Whipple Ave N, North Canton, OH 44720; phone [[1]], fax [[2]] or E-mail:
Agud ???; Seattle, WA
Air-Vent Jack Leese; New York City, NY
Alan Russ Alan Pipes; Greenville, RI
Alan Brothers Pipes "Benchmade" pipes by Jeff Graick (of J. Alan Pipes) and his brother, Jeremy Gracik
Albert-John brand of Albert John Briars.
Alberti Pipes Bryon Sherman, St. Louis, MO (Etsy shop)
Alco brand of M. Linkman & Co.
Alexander David D. Alexander; Galena, (IL ?)
Alexander Pipes See Alexander Hasty; Kansas City, KS
Alden Pipes Ryan Alden; Rowlett, TX
Allen George Allen (†); Stroudsburg, PA
Allen John Allen; Ipswich, MA.
Alpha Symbol: italic white "A".
Alpine Briars Stephen Johnson; Los Angeles, CA
Altamira maker of Highlander and possibly Smokestack
Ambassador Kaufmann Bros. & Bondy (KB&B); known after 1920.
Americana GBD second
American Smoking Pipe Co. Mark Tinsky; Wolf Creek, MT. Founded by Curt Rollar and Mark Tinsky.
Amherst Lord Jeff; an impressive, silver-mounted Dublin.  ???
Anderson Andre Anderson; Los Angeles, CA
Anderson P. A. Anderson
Anderson Scott Anderson, San Jose, CA
Anderson Stephen & Roswitha Anderson; Columbus, OH. → S&R Pipes.
Anderson, William William Anderson Pipes
Ansell's Ansell's Pipe and Tobacco Shop; Washington, DC
Appleby American brand and company.
Andrew, E See E. Andrew Briars, Edward A Jurkiewicz; Franklin, WI
Andrew Staples Pipes Andrew Staples, Coeur d' Alene, ID
Anima Pipes Brian McNulty, Culver City, CA
AND North American meerschaum distributor
Andre's North American brand, possibly associated with Andre's Pipe Gallery.
Antony Andre´ Pipes White House, TN
Arcoleo, Tom Tom Pipecarver & Son; Princeton, NJ
Arista Brand of the VanRoy Pipe Co.
Arlington brand of Arlington Briar Pipes Corp., Brooklyn, NY
Armentrout Nathan Armentrout; Lancaster, CA
Art That Smokes Bill Braddock, Oklahoma City, OK
Arthur J. Arthur Pipes
ASB Pipes Aaron Berwick, Taylorsville, NC
Asselta Asselta Briar Pipe Co., Bellmore (Long Island), NY: Need Information
Atilano Pipes Emmanuel Atilano
Atelier Rolando Rolando Negoita; New Paltz, NY
Augsburger Frank Augsburger (†), b.1959, d.1995, s.1978-1987; Chicago, IL Lombard, IL
Austin ???
B.A. Weaver Pipes Bruce A. Weaver, Brentwood, TN
BAC Art Pipes Marek Lejzorowicz, Warren, MI
BP Jum Need Information
Bahder Thomas Bahder, Clarksville, MD. See Renaissance Pipes.
Baier Alfred S. Baier (†)
Bain Justin Bain, Philadelphia, PA. See Windjammer Pipes.
Bakelite Brand of L & H Stern, see LHS (also a material used for stems)
Balkovec Pipes Mark Balkovec, Pittsburgh, PA
Barber, Kris See Edwin Pipes
Barclay Rex Barclay-Rex Pipe Shop, New York City
Barnes David Barnes, Kansas City, KS
Baron John Baron, Lynwood, WA. Also a brand made by Civic
Barrow Lionel Barrow. "Lionel Barrow's craftsmanship and artistry so impressed Teddy Knudsen
that he gave Lionel several blocks of briar." ... Barrow E.jpg |
Bartlett Pipe Co. Daniel C. Bianchino; Intervale, NJ
Bartsche Keith B. Bartsche; designs some pipes for J.M. Boswell
Batson, Grant G. Batson Pipes; Nashville, TN
Bauer, F. B. Detroit, MI (active from 1920s-40's)
Beard, Tyler Lane Tyler Lane Beard; Midland, TX. See Tyler Lane Pipes
Beebe Bob Beebe, Sun City, AZ
Beck Aaron Beck (†); Queens, NY
Becker George Becker; Kansas City, KS. See also Diebel.
Becker Max Becker, retired pipe maker
Beers Tim Beers, Meerschaum pipes; Deposit, NY
Bellezia Michelangelo Bellezia; Buffalo, NY.
Belmont old brand (founded 1888) by S. Buchsbaum & Co.; Chicago, IL
Bench Made Brand by Marxman
Benton Serial pipe, ranging from $25 - $70. Italian made?
Bertram Bertram Pipe Shop; Washington D.C.
Bessai John Bessai (broken pipe) and son Herb Bessai; Cleveland, Ohio.
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Best Chris Best. Hobbyist carver since the 1970's.
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Bianchino, Dan (Bartlett); Intervale, NJ
Big Casino Pipes See also Crisman, Harry; Sarver Pa
Big Mikes Pipes Marked "BMP": Mike Darr; Knoxville TN
Bihlmaier Ted Bihlmaier
Biltmore Brand of the National Briar Pipe Co., Jersey City, NJ. Liquidated.
Birnbaum Wm. Birnbaum; New York. Late 19th century meerschaum pipes
Blackwell Robert Blackwell, Knoxville, TN
Block Pipes Jonathan Block, Fairfield, CT
Bloom Gregg Bloom; Reseda, CA. See GM Pipes.
Blue Ridge Hudson Universal Pipe Co.
Boda Pipes Bob Garret & Don Boggs, Spartanburg, SC
Bohn George Bohn, Las Vegas, NV
Bolas De Fuego ???
Bonaquisti Paul Bonaquisti; Cohoes, NY
Bosi Pipes Kirk Bosi; Manhattan, IL
Boston Briars second brand of David P. Ehrlich Co. from Boston
Boswell Dan Boswell (son of J.M. Boswell)
Boswell J.M. Boswell; Chambersburg, PA.
Bowl Dry Made by Hollman Pipe Company, need informaion
Bradberry Bradberry Pipe Corp. (1960s); New York
Braddock Bill Braddock (Art That Smokes); Oklahoma City, OK.
Bradshaw J.H. Bradshaw; Long Beach, CA.
Brannon, Matt Tulsa, OK. See McGimpsey Pipes
Breezewood ???
Brial Ca. 1970’s; strange system pipe with briar bowls and impressing aluminium tubes.
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Briar Art Brian Ruthenberg; Fort Gratiot, MI.
Briar Art Pipes Richard Lawton; Port Orchard, Washington
Briar Bird Pipes Jason Cochey; Bellevue, OH.
Briar Originals Vic Steinhart; West Caldwell, NJ
Briar Workshop Also see Nachwalter, Eliot Nachwalter; VT, FL, VT
Briarcraft Former Maker of Smokemaster; New York City
Briarlab Michael Lindner, Nate King, Joe Hinkle, and others; Indianapolis, IN
Briarlee Sub-brand of Pipes by Lee, possibly made by Arlington Briar Pipes Corp.
BriarWorks Briar Works International; Nashville, TN
Brick Max Brick; Trenton, NJ
Bridgeman Keene Bridgeman, K.B. Pipes (commissioned pipes and accessories); Laguna Niguel, CA
Brighton James Pipes Brighton James de los Santos; Southern California
Brissett Mike Brissett; West Allis, WI
Broadcaster Henry Leonard & Thomas Inc. for Penn Tobacco Co., Wilkes-Barre, PA
Broadway Luxus ???
Brooks Brand of Brooks Bros.: New York
Brooks, Brandon Brandon Brooks; Georgetown, KY
Brown, Jim See Heisenberg Pipes; Mooresville, North Carolina
Bruce Peters Henry Leonard & Thomas Inc. for Penn Tobacco Co., Wilkes-Barre, PA
Bruken ???
Bryco ???
Brylon Made from Brylon by S.M. Frank 1966
Buescher's Corn cob and hardwood pipes: Washington, Missouri; until late 1940's
Buckeye Buckeye Pipes are derivated from the production of Chheda Pipes and Shalosky Pipes made by Premal Chheda & Bill Shalosky of Smoker’s Haven; Columbus, OH.
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Burak Edward Burak; New York City. See also Connoisseur.
Burwick ???
Burl King Need Information; Part of Borkum Riff promotion, Makers thought to include Dr. Grabow / Sparta Industries, perhaps Wally Frank, and also Shalom Pipe Factory (Israel)
Busa A. Dana Busa
Bushee George Bushee; Boston, MA
Butera Mike Butera; Houston, TX
Burns Robert Eugene "Mic" Burns; Long Beach, CA. See Micoli.