Bertram Safferling
Bertram Safferling about himself:
Let's start with some information about my person: On December 31, 2005, I turned 20,000 days old. I dedicated almost half of this time to the manufacturing of pipes.
Right after graduating from the Academy of Arts (Hochschule für angewandte Kunst), I started manufacturing pipes: In Stuttgart, Germany, I founded a workshop together with another industrial designer, a marionette manufacturer, and a manufacturer of mechanical street organs.
During the course of time, more people joined our workshop; others left or decided to go their own way. I stayed. And this has proven to be my way.
After running my workshop in Stuttgart for more than 25 years, things have changed in my life, too. In December 2005, I opened a workshop in Italy, more precisely: in the village of Tramin on the South Tyrolean Wine Route.
Starting production in 2006, this is where I'll offer my pipe manufacturing seminars which I had offered in Stuttgart up to now.
What are "Freehands"?
Freehands are unique tobacco pipes.
According to my definition two requirements have to be met for a pipe to be called "freehand":
Firstly, the Bruyière-Plateau Block has to be manufactured individually and almost exclusively manually. During the process of manufacturing, the pipe is almost constantly in the hand of the pipe manufacturer. This means that not only the eyes, but also the fingertips play a major role in shaping the pipe.
Secondly, the given structure of the wood has to be incorporated into the shape. The wood will not be forced into any pattern. Sand pits and flaws will be removed by sanding. The distribution of the grain supports the shape and determines the angle of the drilling axis, as well as the pipe’s size and shape. The material, burl wood, displays its best characteristics.
This is what I like most about my work:
I like it,
- when sparks ignite, and when a piece of wood starts to have a soul all of a sudden.
- when the material, the shape, and the function are in perfect harmony.
- when the final shape has something to do with me. And, most of all, I like it, when "the sparkle jumps over" to you and the final pipe touches your heart - like a piece of art.
If you would like to pass by and get to know me and my workshop, please ask for an appointment via E-Mail:
And - off course - there will be at least some pipes for sale...
Kind regards,
Bertram Safferling
- Example and details courtesy Doug Valitchka
The well known german YouTuber Dieter Niermann visited Bertram Safferling in his shop in Bozen and made a nice YouTube video.
My old workshop: Bertram Safferling Nauheimer Str. 86/1 D-70372 Stuttgart - Bad Cannstatt Germany My new workshop: Bertram Safferling Via Hans-Feur-Str. 27 I-39040 Termeno / Tramin Italy Telephone: +39 0471935316 E-Mail: Website: Facebook: