A. Colin Lunn LTD
Need Information, apparently an agent representing pipes, Maurice pipes, for instance.
A, Frebjau & Co. Ltd |
former English factory, taken over by Oppenheimer Pipe
A. Oppenheimer |
Adolph Oppenheimer see also Oppenheimer Pipe
English brand by A.A. Anderson, made in Italy by Rossi and Gasparini
Abbey Pipes |
Liquidated. Ashton-Under-Lyne, Lancashire.
Abbott |
A brand of Andersen & Abbot.
Abdulla |
A brand of Abdulla & Co Ltd.
Academy Award |
A brand of Comoy's for export to the US.
Ace of Spades |
Comoy's sub-brand / second.
AD |
Brand of A. David.
Adventure |
Symbol: "A", brand associated with McGahey, The Tobacconist and Pazyryk.
Need information. Possibly made by or for Salmon & Gluckstein
Ahlstrom |
English brand. Need information
Air-o-Dry |
A system pipe made by Comoy's, need information
Alco |
System pipes produced by Merton and Falcon Co in Britain.
Alfred |
Symbol: "A"
Allen & Wright |
Early 20th century brand by company of same name.
Allerton |
Maybe a Comoy's sub-brand / second. The logo is an oak leaf with an acorn.
Americana |
GBD sub-brand / second.
Ancient Mariner |
Probably an Orlik sub-brand / second. An anchor on the stem.
AO |
early 20th century brand of Adolph Oppenheimer.
early 20th century brand of Adolph Oppenheimer.
Archer's |
English brand. Need information
Argyle |
Hardcastle sub-brand / second.
Arizona |
GBD sub-brand / second.
Aristocrat |
Appears with many different logos and stampings. One with a plain A as a logo is an export brand of John Redman Ltd.
Armstrong |
clay pipe brand of John Armstrong & Sons.
Asbury |
Ascot |
Dunhill for H. Perkins & Son / Beney Ltd.
Ashford |
Need Information, (Ashford is also a line of Peterson pipes)
Ashton |
William John Taylor; Romford
Askwith Pipes |
Chris Askwith; Plymouth, Devon.
Astley's |
Astley's of Jermyn Street; London
Astor |
Comoy's sub-brand / second.
Astoria |
Inexpensive brand sold by Ben Wade and Lorenzo
Atwood |
One model with U.S. PAT. 2652062.
Auld Erin |
A Peterson second or sub-brand
Autumn Gold |
GBD sub-brand / second.
Avon |
produced by Comoy's and Ben Wade ??
Ayto |
Eric G. Ayto, clay pipe maker. Started in 1972 and now retired.
[[]] |
Bacon Bros. |
English brand from the old Cambridge tobacconist, Bacon Brothers
Balmoral Castle |
English brand by Comoy's
Banker |
English brand by Fraenkel Brothers??
Barbic |
Made for Bartlett & Bickley Ltd.; 217 Picadilly, London. "London Made", red dot. Factory was closed in the 30-40s of the last century.
Barbican |
Derivate of Barbic?
Barber B'Line |
House brand of James Barber Tobacconists; Otley, West Yorkshire
Barling |
Baronfil |
Old English brand by Bernard Baron, a tobacco merchant
Bartlett & Bickley |
Bartlett & Bickley, Piccadily, London
BB&S |
Barling sub-brand / second (Benjamin Barling & Son).
Blumfeld’s Best Briar; formerly A. Frankau.
Beau Nash |
GBD sub-brand / second
Belgravia |
English brand by Belgian company Van Der Elst?
Ben Wade |
Benlet |
"Made in London England" - an outlet of Lane / Charatan's Ben Wade production.
Benson & Hedges |
"London Made", Made for the London Tobacco Co., likely by Comoy's
Bentwell |
English brand likely made in France, sold by A. Grunfeld Co.
Berkeley Club |
Sasieni sub-brand / second.
Bewlay |
Salmon & Gluckstein Ltd.
BEWY""" |
Brand of Bewlay
Biltor |
Biltor Pipe Company, London.
Bingley |
Old English brand of Kinnear & Whitwham
Bingo |
Old English brand of Kinnear & Whitwham
Birks |
Could be the name of an English Tobacco shop (acc.to WILCZAK & COLWELL "Who Made That Pipe?"). Could also be branded pipes sold by Henry Birks and Sons.
Black Prince |
Orlik sub-brand / second, as indicated by the list at the bottom of the Orlik Shape Chart
Blakemar Briars |
Michael Billington; Litchborough, Towcester, Northamptonshire.
Blue Jeans |
GBD sub-brand / second.
B.O.B. |
Bob Hinton, Brotherhood of the Briar, Wales
Bobanob |
1940s English brand of Carrington
Bobbie |
London Bobbie - The factory has existed since the 20's. Closed in 1942.
Bond Street |
Bond Street London Briar, produced by Comoy's
Bonnie Brier |
Bowles & Son Ltd |
Tobacconist's brand
Braesley Salop Clays |
early clay pipe factory, England, founded 1619
Bra-Way |
Bristol |
Britannia |
1. Named for Barrister (???); London.
2. Comoy's sub-brand / second.
3. Charatan sub-brand / second.
British American Tobacco Company |
Founded in 1902
British Guard |
Bromage |
A brand of A. Bromage & Co Ltd
Broseley Clay Tobacco Pipes |
Rex M. Key; clay pipe maker; Broseley, Shropshire
Brumfit |
Need Information
Brunette |
GBD sub-brand / second.
Brixton |
John Redman; London.
Buckingham |
Brand of John Redman Ltd./British Empire Pipe Co.
Buckingham Palace |
Brand of John Redman Ltd./British Empire Pipe Co.
Buckingham & Fireside |
English Churchwarden shape pipe???
Buttner |
Bakelite pipes equiped with a removable porcelain insert. Brand distributed with separate patents in Great Britain Germany and France.
Bye-Mee |
1940s English brand by Vuillard & Strauss
Byford |
Orlik sub-brand / second. Now made by Cadogan.
[[]] |
C. Maas Co. |
Lopes notes affiliations with CM&C, Fantail, and Jack O'London
Cadogan |
Cadogan Investment Ltd.; Southend-on-Sea, Essex
Caiden |
Made exclusively for Sears; Made in London, England
Captain |
old English brand by Orlik also French brand by Vuillard & Strauss
Capt. Kidd |
BBB sub-brand / second.
Captain Black |
Orlik sub-brand / second. Now made by Cadogan.
Captain Fortune |
John Redman Ltd./British Empire Pipe Co. London Made
Carey |
Carrington |
W. H. Carrington; Manchester
Castleford |
Colin Fromm
Cauldron |
brand by Beney, Ltd.
Century |
GBD sub-brand
Chapman |
Charatan |
Charing Cross |
G. Smith & Sons; London
Chas. Mass & Co. |
Lopes states it is a late 19th century English Co. (CM&C, Fantail, and Jack O'London)
Chatham |
Lopes states it is a brand sold by Comoy's, but produced by Gasparini, and very likely by Rossi
Chatsworth |
Need information, likely made by L.S. Glass
Chevreuse |
GBD second as an Anglo-French brand
Churchill |
Churchill's Tobacco Shop; Norwich, England
City de Luxe |
also City Deluxe, sub-brand of GBD
Civic |
Brand of the Cadogan company.
Claret |
Sasieni sub-brand / second.
Clebo |
Possibly a BBB second???
Clifton |
Lopes states it is a brand made by Hall & Fitzgerald, but may also be a Sasieni second??
Clubhouse |
GBD sub-brand / second.
Cob |
old brand produced by Masta and Parker
Colibri |
brand of L. Stradsburger, likely made by Gasparini and/or Rossi???
Colin Lunn |
late 19th early 20th century brand from Tobacconist in Oxford and Cambridge
Colt |
brand by Civic Co. Ltd, and also in the US by Kaywoodie
Comoy's |
Comoy's of London (H. Comoy & Co. Ltd.)
Concinnum |
brand of Evans Concinnum & Metal Works
Cool and Sweet |
old brand, also know as "Cool Sweet". Symbol C&S
Cordoban |
GBD. Offered as private brand pipe; stampings on customer's comand.
Cornwall |
GBD sub-brand / second.
Coronet |
Need information, may be a Comoy's second?
Corinthian |
Made by Comoy's for Grant's Pipe Shop in San Francisco
Coronation |
Counsellor |
North American brand made in England by Comoy's
Country Club |
GBD sub-brand / second.
Countryman |
A series by Charatan, but also Meerschaum pipes by Amboseli
Cowen |
Louis Cowan, an artisan who worked for Loewe & Co., and then produced for Marxman in the U.S.
Cragmoor |
Craftsman |
Arthur Morris Bolton; London
Craven |
Sasieni sub-brand / second.
Critic |
The Critic; London.
Crown of England |
5 Crown Logos on shank, and one on stem. Need Information.
Cutty Sark |
Sam Klein's Cutty Sark - Made in London England
Cyclone |
GBD sub-brand / second.
[[]] |
Daddy |
GBD sub-brand / second.
Damman |
Need Information, possibly made by Comoy's
Davies & Huybrecht |
Davies & Huybrecht (1919 - 1999); London.
David Cooper |
David J. Cooper, clay pipe maker
Davos |
GBD sub-brand / second.
Delacour Brothers |
Delacour Brothers Ltd. (D.B.L.). UK branch of Delacour, France.
Delta |
Delta is a sub-brand of Duncan Briars
Derby |
English Brand??
Derfield |
Need Information
Diamond |
English brand, also a brand used by Gasparini, Bari, and Ser Jacopo
Digby |
GBD sub-brand / second.
Donniford |
Dorchester |
made at different times by Comoy's, and also Hall & Fitzgerald
Dover DeLuxe |
Made by Comoy's for the Arthur Leonard pipe shop in Portland, OR
Dr. John |
Dr. Plumb |
GBD sub-brand / second.
Dr. Max |
Inexpensive brand of John Redman Ltd./British Empire Pipe Co.
Dr. McQuade |
brand of Ben Wade
Drury Lane |
Comoy's sub-brand / second.
Duncan Briars |
Dunhill |
Duke |
Dulwich |
brand that often has Meerschaum lined bowls