British Pipe Brands & Makers A - D

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F-GB.gif British Pipe Brands & Makers
A - D E - H I - L M - Q R - T U - Z
A. Colin Lunn LTD Need Information, apparently an agent representing pipes, Maurice pipes, for instance.
A, Frebjau & Co. Ltd former English factory, taken over by Oppenheimer Pipe
A. Oppenheimer Adolph Oppenheimer see also Oppenheimer Pipe
AAA English brand by A.A. Anderson, made in Italy by Rossi and Gasparini
Abbey Pipes Liquidated. Ashton-Under-Lyne, Lancashire.
Abbott A brand of Andersen & Abbot.
Abdulla A brand of Abdulla & Co Ltd.
Academy Award A brand of Comoy's for export to the US.
Ace of Spades Comoy's sub-brand / second.
AD Brand of A. David.
Adventure Symbol: "A", brand associated with McGahey, The Tobacconist and Pazyryk.
AGE Need information. Possibly made by or for Salmon & Gluckstein
Ahlstrom English brand. Need information
Air-o-Dry A system pipe made by Comoy's, need information
Alco System pipes produced by Merton and Falcon Co in Britain.
Alfred Symbol: "A"
Allen & Wright Early 20th century brand by company of same name.
Allerton Maybe a Comoy's sub-brand / second. The logo is an oak leaf with an acorn.
Americana GBD sub-brand / second.
Ancient Mariner Probably an Orlik sub-brand / second. An anchor on the stem.
AO early 20th century brand of Adolph Oppenheimer.
AOC early 20th century brand of Adolph Oppenheimer.
Archer's English brand. Need information
Argyle Hardcastle sub-brand / second.
Arizona GBD sub-brand / second.
Aristocrat Appears with many different logos and stampings. One with a plain A as a logo is an export brand of John Redman Ltd.
Armstrong clay pipe brand of John Armstrong & Sons.
Asbury ???.
Ascot Dunhill for H. Perkins & Son / Beney Ltd.
Ashford Need Information, (Ashford is also a line of Peterson pipes)
Ashton William John Taylor; Romford
Askwith Pipes Chris Askwith; Plymouth, Devon.
Astley's Astley's of Jermyn Street; London
Astor Comoy's sub-brand / second.
Astoria Inexpensive brand sold by Ben Wade and Lorenzo
Atwood One model with U.S. PAT. 2652062.
Auld Erin A Peterson second or sub-brand
Autumn Gold GBD sub-brand / second.
Avon produced by Comoy's and Ben Wade ??
Ayto Eric G. Ayto, clay pipe maker. Started in 1972 and now retired.
Bacon Bros. English brand from the old Cambridge tobacconist, Bacon Brothers
Balmoral Castle English brand by Comoy's
Banker English brand by Fraenkel Brothers??
Barbic Made for Bartlett & Bickley Ltd.; 217 Picadilly, London. "London Made", red dot. Factory was closed in the 30-40s of the last century.
Barbican Derivate of Barbic?
Barber B'Line House brand of James Barber Tobacconists; Otley, West Yorkshire
Baronfil Old English brand by Bernard Baron, a tobacco merchant
Bartlett & Bickley Bartlett & Bickley, Piccadily, London
BB&S Barling sub-brand / second (Benjamin Barling & Son).
BBB Blumfeld’s Best Briar; formerly A. Frankau.
Beau Nash GBD sub-brand / second
Belgravia English brand by Belgian company Van Der Elst?
Ben Wade
Benlet "Made in London England" - an outlet of Lane / Charatan's Ben Wade production.
Benson & Hedges "London Made", Made for the London Tobacco Co., likely by Comoy's
Bentwell English brand likely made in France, sold by A. Grunfeld Co.
Berkeley Club Sasieni sub-brand / second.
Bewlay Salmon & Gluckstein Ltd.
BEWY""" Brand of Bewlay
Biltor Biltor Pipe Company, London.
Bingley Old English brand of Kinnear & Whitwham
Bingo Old English brand of Kinnear & Whitwham
Birks Could be the name of an English Tobacco shop ( WILCZAK & COLWELL "Who Made That Pipe?"). Could also be branded pipes sold by Henry Birks and Sons.
Black Prince Orlik sub-brand / second, as indicated by the list at the bottom of the Orlik Shape Chart
Blakemar Briars Michael Billington; Litchborough, Towcester, Northamptonshire.
Blue Jeans GBD sub-brand / second.
B.O.B. Bob Hinton, Brotherhood of the Briar, Wales
Bobanob 1940s English brand of Carrington
Bobbie London Bobbie - The factory has existed since the 20's. Closed in 1942.
Bond Street Bond Street London Briar, produced by Comoy's
Bonnie Brier
Bowles & Son Ltd Tobacconist's brand
Braesley Salop Clays early clay pipe factory, England, founded 1619
Bra-Way ???
Bristol ???
Britannia 1. Named for Barrister (???); London.
2. Comoy's sub-brand / second.
3. Charatan sub-brand / second.
British American Tobacco Company Founded in 1902
British Guard ???
Bromage A brand of A. Bromage & Co Ltd
Broseley Clay Tobacco Pipes Rex M. Key; clay pipe maker; Broseley, Shropshire
Brumfit Need Information
Brunette GBD sub-brand / second.
Brixton John Redman; London.
Buckingham Brand of John Redman Ltd./British Empire Pipe Co.
Buckingham Palace Brand of John Redman Ltd./British Empire Pipe Co.
Buckingham & Fireside English Churchwarden shape pipe???
Buttner Bakelite pipes equiped with a removable porcelain insert. Brand distributed with separate patents in Great Britain Germany and France.
Bye-Mee 1940s English brand by Vuillard & Strauss
Byford Orlik sub-brand / second. Now made by Cadogan.
C. Maas Co. Lopes notes affiliations with CM&C, Fantail, and Jack O'London
Cadogan Cadogan Investment Ltd.; Southend-on-Sea, Essex
Caiden Made exclusively for Sears; Made in London, England
Captain old English brand by Orlik also French brand by Vuillard & Strauss
Capt. Kidd BBB sub-brand / second.
Captain Black Orlik sub-brand / second. Now made by Cadogan.
Captain Fortune John Redman Ltd./British Empire Pipe Co. London Made
Carey ???
Carrington W. H. Carrington; Manchester
Castleford Colin Fromm
Cauldron brand by Beney, Ltd.
Century GBD sub-brand
Chapman ???
Charing Cross G. Smith & Sons; London
Chas. Mass & Co. Lopes states it is a late 19th century English Co. (CM&C, Fantail, and Jack O'London)
Chatham Lopes states it is a brand sold by Comoy's, but produced by Gasparini, and very likely by Rossi
Chatsworth Need information, likely made by L.S. Glass
Chevreuse GBD second as an Anglo-French brand
Churchill Churchill's Tobacco Shop; Norwich, England
City de Luxe also City Deluxe, sub-brand of GBD
Civic Brand of the Cadogan company.
Claret Sasieni sub-brand / second.
Clebo Possibly a BBB second???
Clifton Lopes states it is a brand made by Hall & Fitzgerald, but may also be a Sasieni second??
Clubhouse GBD sub-brand / second.
Cob old brand produced by Masta and Parker
Colibri brand of L. Stradsburger, likely made by Gasparini and/or Rossi???
Colin Lunn late 19th early 20th century brand from Tobacconist in Oxford and Cambridge
Colt brand by Civic Co. Ltd, and also in the US by Kaywoodie
Comoy's Comoy's of London (H. Comoy & Co. Ltd.)
Concinnum brand of Evans Concinnum & Metal Works
Cool and Sweet old brand, also know as "Cool Sweet". Symbol C&S
Cordoban GBD. Offered as private brand pipe; stampings on customer's comand.
Cornwall GBD sub-brand / second.
Coronet Need information, may be a Comoy's second?
Corinthian Made by Comoy's for Grant's Pipe Shop in San Francisco
Coronation ???
Counsellor North American brand made in England by Comoy's
Country Club GBD sub-brand / second.
Countryman A series by Charatan, but also Meerschaum pipes by Amboseli
Cowen Louis Cowan, an artisan who worked for Loewe & Co., and then produced for Marxman in the U.S.
Cragmoor ???
Craftsman Arthur Morris Bolton; London
Craven Sasieni sub-brand / second.
Critic The Critic; London.
Crown of England 5 Crown Logos on shank, and one on stem. Need Information.
Cutty Sark Sam Klein's Cutty Sark - Made in London England
Cyclone GBD sub-brand / second.
Daddy GBD sub-brand / second.
Damman Need Information, possibly made by Comoy's
Davies & Huybrecht Davies & Huybrecht (1919 - 1999); London.
David Cooper David J. Cooper, clay pipe maker
Davos GBD sub-brand / second.
Delacour Brothers Delacour Brothers Ltd. (D.B.L.). UK branch of Delacour, France.
Delta Delta is a sub-brand of Duncan Briars
Derby English Brand??
Derfield Need Information
Diamond English brand, also a brand used by Gasparini, Bari, and Ser Jacopo
Digby GBD sub-brand / second.
Donniford ??
Dorchester made at different times by Comoy's, and also Hall & Fitzgerald
Dover DeLuxe Made by Comoy's for the Arthur Leonard pipe shop in Portland, OR
Dr. John London?
Dr. Plumb GBD sub-brand / second.
Dr. Max Inexpensive brand of John Redman Ltd./British Empire Pipe Co.
Dr. McQuade brand of Ben Wade
Drury Lane Comoy's sub-brand / second.
Duncan Briars
Duke ???
Dulwich brand that often has Meerschaum lined bowls