Mackenzie |
BBB sub-brand / second, may also have been produced in the Irish Republic
Major Black |
Brand produced by Orlik
Major Daff |
BBB sub-brand / second.
Major Dash |
Former brand of A. Frankau & Co.
Man Pipe |
Produced by Laxey Pipes Ltd. and distributed by Comoy's.
Mansfield |
Mansion House |
Comoy's sub-brand.
Manxpipe, Manxman, Manxland, Manx Meerschaum |
Brands of Laxey Pipes Ltd.
Marcee |
GBD sub-brand / second.
Mardale |
Stamped "England"
Martin |
Early 20th Century brand of Richard Martin, see Blakemar Briars
Masta |
GBD sub-brand / second.
Masta |
Masta Patent Pipe Company
MastaFoster |
Brand of Masta
Matchless |
Orlik sub-brand / second.
Matt DeLuxe |
GBD. Offered as private brand pipe; stampings on customer's comand.
Matt Special |
GBD. Offered as private brand pipe; stampings on customer's comand.
Need Information, A pipe with a patented glove and nicotine trap
Mayfair |
Sasieni sub-brand / second.
McArris |
Brand made for McCranie's by Ashton
McCranie's |
Made by Ashton
McGahey |
Brand made for the Tobacconist
McIntosh |
McIntosh (series: Royal Indian) was probably made in Ireland.
Medley |
GBD sub-brand / second.
Merchant |
Herbert Merchant; English maker and owner of Herbert Merchant Inc.
Merchant Service |
Brand of Herbert Merchant Inc.
Merlin |
Former brand of Cadogan. It's Meerschaum pipes were made by Amboseli
Merton |
Former English brand of Harold Merton, with a factory in Saint-Claude (Paul Guilliand)
M-F |
Former English brand by Glasgow maker A. Frielander
Michel |
Note: MICHEL and MICHEL DELUXE pipes had been listed here as a Barling sub-brand / second. At least two notable Barling experts question this. Matt Hardin unearthed that these pipes were associated with the Michel J Mitchell pipe shop, and came from various makers. See Michel for details.
Millville |
Dennis and John Marshall; Barnet EN5 1AU.
Moorgate |
Comoy's sub-brand / second.
Mountbatten |
Pipes made by Charatan apprentices.
Mr. Pickwick |
Sasieni sub-brand / second.
Mullins & Westley |
Mullins & Westley Tobacconists; 27A The Piazza, Covent Garden, London. Today probably most famous for their snuff tobaccos. Private label pipes made by various European brands.
Murray-Frame & Love |
Cadogan brand.
Nec Plus Ultra |
Former brand of A. Frankau & Co. Ltd., which became BBB
Newcastle |
Comoy's sub-brand / second. Today a sub-brand of Chacom.
non plus ultra |
BBB sub-brand / second.
Northern Briar Pipes |
Ian Walker
Nu-old |
O. Barnes & Co. |
O'Gorman |
Comoy's sub-brand / second.
Ogden's |
Old brand produced for Ogden's tobacconist, Liverpool
Old England |
is a Sasieni sub-brand / second.
Olde English |
is also a Sasieni sub-brand / second.
Old Mariner |
Possibly made by Comoy's. Need information
O'Mahoney Ltd. |
Oppenheimer Pipe |
Charles, Adolphe, and David Oppenheimer & Louis Adler
Orlik |
Cadogan brand.
Orborne |
Osman Ltd. |
Otomatic |
Brand of Friedland & Jackson Ltd.
Brand by Comoy's; Also OWL Club, and OWL Shop, which were North American brands
Oxford |
GBD sub-brand / second, and for other Cadogan brands
Oxford |
Comoy's sub-brand / second in 30-40s.
P.O.W. |
Made for a Scottish firm named G.M. Frame. Compare Prince Of Wales.
Park Lane |
Brand sold in England and USA by Lichtenstadts Ltd. and L&H Stern
Parker |
Dunhill subsudiary; became Parker-Hardcastle
Peel Street |
Brand from the 1940s produced by Sasieni
Peerless |
GBD sub-brand / second.
Pelican |
Former English brand of Masta
Penthouse |
GBD sub-brand / second.
Perkins |
Brand of H. Perkins & Sons
Pickwick |
Sasieni sub-brand / second.
Pickwick Arms |
Pinner |
GBD sub-brand / second.
Plumb |
Metal Pipe with Briar Bowl, need information; Peasemaker, England
Plymouth |
English brand
Pollock Clay Pipes |
John Pollock & Co.; Manchester
Polo |
Started as a brand of Civic, then to Cadogan, also a brand of Savinelli
Pomeroy & Cooke Ltd. |
Meerschaum pipes; Holcot, Northampton
Poole & Smythe |
Dunhill for Poole & Smythe.
Popular |
GBD sub-brand, also Duncan Briars, and the French Company Ropp
Port Royal |
Brand of the Portland Pipe Co., and later a sub-brand of Barling
Portland |
Need information, perhaps by Portland Pipe Co.?
Porland Pipe Co. |
Former English maker, some of whose brands were later produced by Barling
Portman |
Former brand of Portland Pipe Co.
Prestige |
GBD sub-brand; also used by Cavicchi
Prima |
Former Comoy's sub-brand, which had a series of meerschaum bowls
Price Albert |
Comoy's sub-brand / second
Prince Charles |
Need Information
Prince Of Wales |
GBD sub-brand / second. (Among others.)
Prince Regent |
Former brand made by Orlik
Prodigy |
???; London
Pyramid |
Produced and sold by Carl Lefton Co., and/or Comoy's
Quest |
Fairly obscure brand - made in England.