Carmignani is an old Italian brand and name of tobacconist in Rome. It was run by Carmignani brothers and Giorgio Musico was the manager for many years, and with its own brand created a lot of pipe series, many of these were made by Fritz Becker. Stamp: Carmignani Hand Made or Carmignani Roma and by Baldo Baldi with stamp "B.Baldi for Carmignani Rome" in different categories of quality ( BBB, BB. B. ... )
Old Italian brand and family name of the most famous tobacconist in Rome and with Savinelli in Milan the oldest and famous in Italy.
Emilio Carmignani coming to Rome from a Tuscany country side Castelfiorentino close to Florence opened "Carmignani shop" selling smoking pipes, smoker's accessories and gift ...
It was 1892 and the first shop was in Corso Vittorio Emanuele the main street that link the royal residence Quirinale Palace and Vaticans ...
In 1928 their son Aldo and Nello opened a second shop in Via della Colonna Antonina in front of the Parliament ...
Since 1919 Carmignani began to sale Dunhill Pipes that Alfred Dunhill personally came to Rome to offer ... Between the first and the second war Carmignani was very famous in Rome where the nobles, the most important roman families, politicians and V.I.P used to go to spend their time as a meeting point ... The Roman poet Trilussa used to take his appointments every afternoon at the Carmignani shop as the best roman people used to do ...
After the second war Carmignani besides pipes and smoker's accessories start to offer very original and beautifull giftware in leather, silver, gold ...
Carmignai has always produced their own pipes in some different series from England hand made by Bill Taylor of Ashton pipe, by Comoy's, GBD, Everyman, and others and from Irish Peterson that produced for Carmignani all the centenary special series in 1992 ... and from some of the best italian artisans ... Carmignani was the first shop in Italy to sale Castello Pipes, Carlo Scotti was a very good friend of my father Nello Carmignani ... At the Carmignani shop were born Becker pipes, Vascello pipes, Munalli pipes and some others and a very young Baldo Baldi too when he was at the miltary service started to sale his pipes to Gianni Carmignani and for many years B. Baldi pipes were only at the Carmignani shop in the world ... Mike Butera started to make pipes buying briar from Gianni Carmignani ...
edit by Gianni Carmignani 2016_April 21