Category:Ben Rapaport
Articles and essays by Ben Rapaport
Pages in category "Ben Rapaport"
The following 46 pages are in this category, out of 46 total.
- The Briar Trade: Makers, Manufacturers, and Brands That Time Forgot
- The CPCC Doctor and Master of Pipes Awards: They’re Not Forever Programs
- The First Pipe Show!
- The Fugitive Slaves Pipe: Anatomy of an Auction
- The General and the Captain: Two Period Pipes of the Early Twentieth Century
- The Globalization of Tobacco Pipe Literature
- The Great Divide: You Are What You Collect
- The Kaldenberg Company: New York’s King of Meerschaum Pipe Manufacture
- The Native-American Peace Pipe (or Pipe of Peace). Two Terms Often Used as Symbol, Idiom, and Metaphor
- The Odyssey of the Oom Paul
- The Pipe Club. A History and Then Some
- The Wizards of Oddities, Yesterday and Today
- Tiffany & Company: Antique Accouterments for the Smoker
- To Patent or Not to Patent?
- Tobacciana Exposed: Carnal Collectibles