Pipe Brands / Makers

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Many dedicated collectors have worked to chronicle pipe brands and makers. It is a daunting and never ending task. Pipedia owes special thanks to J. Rex Poggenpohl for use of his 9/95 list of North American Pipe Makers in the 20th Century, with major contributions by: Tom Colwell, Gary Donachy, Tom Dunn, Bill Unger, and Herb Wilczak. Other sources include, Who Made That Pipe?, by Herb Wilczak & Tom Colwell, Pipes, Artisans and Trademarks, by José Manual Lopes, Tom Dunn's The Pipe Smoker's Emphemeris (TPSE), Scandinavian Pipe Makers, by Jan Andersson, and the excellent work of Pipephil. Many others have also made significant contributions and continue the work. Thanks to you all!

Featured Pipe, Rainer Barbi- Volcano
Featured Pipe, Jeff Gracik (J. Alan Pipes) - Zen Blowfish
Featured Pipe by Kent Rasmussen, courtesy Lars Kiel
Featured Pipe, Brad Pohlmann - Bulldog

Pipe brands and makers by location

It would be great to have an overview of the history of pipe making in each of these regions. Please feel free to contribute information to the individual sections. Many of the pipe makers still need bios or additional information and pictures (just click on them, and then select the Edit tab to add any information you have). Feel free to add other pipe makers you've a particular interest in or knowledge of. Please let me know if you need any help managing the wiki: mailto:sethile.pipes@gmail.com

We use the term Broken Pipe coined by Tom Dunn, and also used by Jan Andersson, to denote Pipe Makers who have passed on. (Translation of the commonly used French expression "Casser sa pipe")




Amiel Raoul Amiel
El Morjane Lopes states they are produced in Algeria with Vulcanite stems

Isle of São Vicente

Pulu Brand from Cape Verdian artisan (Isle of São Vicente) African wood; Stamp: PULU



Riff Stamped "Made in Morocco"

South Africa


du Preez Leon du Preez
Ebenhart's Handmade Pipes Ebenhart Botha
Goussard Pipes Charl Goussard, Cape Town
Jan Pietenpauw Jean du Toit, Pretoria
Jobert Johan Slabbert
Kotzé Pipes Kobus Kotzé, Potchefstroom, North West
Kruger Opstaan ??
Mattner William Mattner
Piet Binsbergen Piet Binsbergen, Pretoria
Wesley's South African tobacconist chain



Amboseli Maker of Calabash and Meerschaum pipes
Caveman brand of Kiko
Countryman Meerschaum pipes by Amboseli, also a series by Charatan
Fader's M/L Made for Fader's of Baltimore
Hillbilly Brand of Amboseli
Kiko Kilimanjaro Pipe Company Ltd.
Kilimanjaro Tanganyika Meerschaum Corporation brand from Amboseli
Sportsman Tanganyika Meerschaum Corporation brand from Amboseli
Tembo Tanganyika Meerschaum Corporation brand from Amboseli
Wiga Tanganyika Meerschaum Corporation brand from Amboseli

The Americas



Bambi Pipes Gustavo Miguel Gonzalez
Crisol Argentinian brand produced in the early 20th century
D'Capo Paolo Minotti
Hava Tampa brand likely produced by Luigi Pipes
Herrería Pipas Herrería: Hand-made pipas by artisan Ezequiel Herrería
Luigi Pipes Luis Arbotto; Luigi is also an Italian brand by Luigi "Gigi" Crugnola
Pipas Cassano
Pipas Piombo Pablo A. Piombo
Schneider Bernardo Schnider; Buenos Aires
Southern Amadeo Viciconte



Pipas Arguello MA Miguel Arguello



Bazzanelli Cachimbos Bazzanelli
Bertoldi Cachimbos Bertoldi
Giovanella brand of pipe tobacco blender Candido Giovanella made by Bertoldi
JCI Cachimbos JCI, discontinued
Larsan Larsan Indústria de Artefatos de Madeira
MarTelo Gustavo Cunha, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Cachimbos Brasil Fábrica de Cachimbos Brasil, discontinued
Ranieri Cachimbos Ranieri, discontinued



Aircool Aluminum pipe with a briar bowl insert, distributed by Essential Agencies Limited, Toronto
Bell William and David Bell; 19th century clay pipe factory in Quebec
Blatter & Blatter Peter and Robert Blatter; Montreal, Can.
Briar Sweat & Tears/BST Todd Bannard; Carstairs, Alberta
Brig Canada
Brigham Pipes
Calich John Calich
Cats Paw Pipes Bill & Terri Weist
Colm Magner
Condina Guiseppe Condina
Craft Briar See Vesz Pipes, Julius Vesz; Toronto, Ont., Can.
Downie Pipes Stephen Downie
Dr. Thomas Brand of Paradis Pipes
Fagan Mike Fagan
Farhood ??
Fernand Gignac see Paradis Pipes
Gerth's Brand of former Montreal tobacconist, made by Comoy's; Symbol: G
Henderson & Lovelace, E.M. Second half of the 19th century clay pipe factory in Montreal
JBL Canadian brand, see Paradis Pipes
Jo Thomassin Canadian brand, see Paradis Pipes
Leonard Payne system pipes; British Columbia
MacQueen Pipes Colin MacQueen
Magner see Colm Magner
McGrath John Hamilton McGrath
Miscoi Pipes Dimitry Miscoi
New London Golfer Canadian brand, see Paradis Pipes
Olde World Fine Clays Stephen Bray; clay pipe factory
Paradis Pipes Paradis Brothers
Parks Pipes Michael Parks
Phillips Bill Phillips; Red Deer, Alberta
Pipes by Cody Perkins Cody Perkins
Pipes by Wolfgang Wolfgang Blazejewski
Rettalb Rettalb is an anagram of "Blatter"! Sub-brand, ? Blatter & Blatter
Robert Bannerman Canadian artisan and former clay pipe factory (1875-84), located in New York state, USA
Rocheleau Briar Pipes John Rocheleau
S.C. Pipes Brand of Paradis Pipes
Seles Pipes Stefan Seles
Thomas Hinds Brand and distributor based in Winnipeg; pipes made in Italy
Trypis Pipes Phillip Trypis
Vesz Pipes Julius Vesz
Westbury Need Information
Wombaroo Pipes Marty Simm

Canadian pipe making is very individual. Some styles are very traditional, showing definite Old World roots, while others are heavily influenced by the Danish freehand movement.



Herrera Leonardo Herrera
Pipes JAS Juan Antonio Salhus
Pipas Ovejanegra Carlos Toro Urrutia


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Arzuaga Rafael J. Arzuaga, an artisan making sculpted pipes
FC Miguel A. Rodriguez (Familia Crart, Creaciones Artisticas)



Norma de México S.A.
Park Lane
Lunmore Mexican brand by Louis Morones, no longer active
Pipas de Cochera Roberto González González
Pipas Elo Elo Rojas
Rafa Salinas Mexico City

United States


Many thanks to Missouri Meerschaum Company for their Underwriting support

American pipe making is heavily influenced by the European schools, although Asian aesthetics, at least as they play out in pipes, have also become a notable influence. In particular, the Italian, English, and French schools, with their traditional shapes, have formed the basis for the work of many American pipe makers who have pored over collections of old Dunhills, Barlings, GBDs, Costellos, Savinelli's, etc. Many of these shapes were well established by the 1920s. Others are heavily influenced by the makers of Danish high grade pipes, who have likewise been influenced by their mentors, the fathers of the Danish freehand movement of the 1950's and '60s.

"Go West" is a fascinating look at high grade American pipe makers from across the pond. Written By: Erwin Van Hove and originally published in the French magazine, Pipe Mag.

Among other interesting developments in US pipe making has been Sandblasting. Fred Hanna wrote an interesting article for The Pipe Collector called, The Best Sandblasted Pipes are Being Made By Americans, where he writes, "Now and then, someone will point to a particular country, such as Denmark or Italy, and remark upon the quality of their pipe makers as a group. This may be in terms of design, finish, mouthpieces, engineering, or what have you. Let's add another such assessment. I have been watching the quality of sandblasting by Americans for the last couple of years, and I don't think there can be any doubt about it. The best sandblasted pipes OVERALL are now coming out of the USA."

Suffice it to say that a new generation of American pipe makers have emerged. Many have made the trek to high grade pipe mecca to study with the master carvers. They have brought back an entire school of technique and aesthetic and made it their own. Others combine the traditional and freehand styles in a unique combination. Regardless of their influences, many of these American pipe makers are pursuing pipe making with a tremendous passion and energy, and an individual spirit, not unlike the one that molded the country.



Pedro Ferrizzo
Pipas Elfo Helios Guidotti







Andreas Bauer Meerschaum Pipes
Baff Tabakpfeifenunikate David Wagner
Edward's Pipes Edward Czerny
Erste Ottakringer Pfeifenmanufaktur Patrick Rutka
Fisher Paul Fisher, Austrian Meerschaum artisan who settled in Manhattan, NYC, NY
Franz Hiess & Sohne old Austrian meerschaum pipe company; Vienna
Guido Artisan with a small production, sometimes sold by Viennese tobacconist, Josef Ostermann
Harkam Pfeifen Karl Harkam
J. Hock Vienna
Huml Karl Huml
J.N. Menhard 19th Century Meerschaum artisan
Kaufthal Former Meerschaum pipe factory; Vienna
Kemperling Salzburger Pfeifenfabrik
Krenn Hans Krenn
Lenz Josef Lenz; c/o Tischlerei Lenz
Lorenz Ludwig Lorenz, made in the Tyrol since 1886
Matzhold Peter Matzhold
Pfeifendesign Lorenz Ludwig Lorenz
Prammer Freehand Pfeifen Josef Prammer
Ruetz Pipes Christian Ruetz
Stiegler Christoph Stiegler
Strambach Meerschaum Pipes
Tine Pipes Martin Steinthaler
Zenz Pipes Klaus Zenz



Albertson Former brand of Hillen, makers of Hilson
Bocci Enrico Bocci
Claessen Pipes Dirk Claessen, Antwerp
Denny's Stamped Denny's and Made in Belgium
Elie Elie lives and works in France now
Jean-Pierre Forton Schaerbeek, Belgium
François Dal Pipes near Namur
Hilson Hillen Bros. Co.
Lèonard Piperia Lèonard, Terracotta pipe factory; Andenne
Massis Pipes Nick Ramaekers; Limburg, Belgium
Vandervelpen Gerben Pipe restorer; Vlaams-Brabant, Belgium
Van Der Elst Belgian brand, Belga Shop chain; made by Royal Dutch
Vinche Belgian meerschaum pipe brand by Jean-Baptiste Vinche; Brussels



Demirev Pipes Kolyo Demirev; From Bulgaria, now in Prague, Czech Republic
Getz Pipes Georgi Todorov
GB Pipes George Boyadjiev
D.Gechev Pipes Desislav Gechev
SDB Pipes Svetoslav Bozukov



Davorin Uglata glagoljica.png
Dotter Domagoj Telišman
ND Pipes Daniel Mustran
MPIPES Marinko Neralić



Kokkinos - Yiannos Kokkinos Custom Pipes

Czech Republic


Adam pipes Adam Schorcht
BPK Czech inexpensive brand with long tradition. Factory made pipes mainly for export.
Celtic Tobacco Dušan Doubek
Demirev Pipes Kolyo Demirev; From Bulgaria, now in Czech Republic
Em Czapek Former Czech brand, likely from the 19th century
Háp Pavel Háp
Hodula Pavel Hodula
JanPipes Jan Klouček
Jirsa Oldřich Jirsa
Kroupa Hanz Kroupa
Krška Karel Krška
Kucera Petr Kučera, Pipkin Pipes
Machát Richard Machát
Machek Jiri Machek
Montebello Former brand from the former Czechoslovakia
Novakpipes Michal Novák
P. Omrt Czech artisan making freehands
Petr Pipes Petr Libora
Pearl Bee Radka Hofmannová
Pipkin Petr Kučera
Pirkenhammer Circa 1850 Porcelain pipe
RX Pipes Radek Jůza, Prague , Czechia
Stanislav Czech brand distributed by Mostex Group, run by Josef Stanislav
Tomas Mahovsky Tomáš Mahovský
Vlasak Martin Vlasák
Voboril Pipes Petr Vobořil
Zapletal ART Jiří Zapletal


An excellent selection of Danish Estate pipes is available at The Danish Pipe Shop (A Pipedia Underwriter)


We highly recommend the following article on the history of Danish pipe making by Jakob Groth. More Pipe maker articles coming soon to this section. Those in red still need articles. Please dive in if you'd like to help. Very thankfully there exists an excellent site dedicated to Scandinavian pipe makers. We highly recommend danishpipemakers.com

Excellent resource: An translation of Piber & Tobak, Danish Pipe Makers, Vol. 1 (1978 - 1998), on fumeursdepipe.net


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Raimo Riberg


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Tapio Wirkkala Finnish designer (1915-1985), who designed some pipe models



Note: The French lists have been recently sub-divided due to growth --sethile (talk) 09:20, 18 June 2015 (CDT)


An excellent selection of Filter pipes is available at CIGARWORLD (A New Pipedia Underwriter)


The article Centers of pipe production in Germany gives an idea of regional "hotspots" of pipe production in Germany.

There exists an excellent site dedicated to German pipe makers. We highly recommend German Pipemakers. Unfortunately this link is dead but there is an archived version that can be found at web.archive.org/web/20180321212258/http://www.german-pipemakers.de/).

Great Britain




Alexander Pipes Alexandros Zavvos
Amadeus Pipes Achaiki Amadeus S.A. / Briar Manufacturing Industry S.A. (PTM)
Anastasopoulos, Kostas K. Anastasopoulos Handmade Smoking pipes / Mr. Kostas Anastasopoulos (Amateur Pipe Maker) / Athens, Greece
Archaggelos Pipes Archaggelos Handmade Smoking pipes / made by Michael Kyriazanos / Athens, Greece
A.S. Smoking Pipes Handmade Smoking pipes / Mr. Anthony Salas (Amateur Pipe Maker) / Agia Paraskevi, Greece
Asteriou, Chris Hand made briar pipes / Chris Asteriou / Athens, Greece
Epsilon2 Rhodian Pipes Efthymios Efthymiou; Rhodes Island
Gourvelos, Kostas K. Gourvelos - Woodturning Handmade Smoking pipes / Mr. Kostas Gourvelos / Athens, Greece
Salonique Pipes Salonique Pipes Handmade Smoking pipes / Mr. Gialampoukis Panagiotis / Thessaloniki, Greece
Pipex Pipes See Stefanou Pipex, George Stefanou
Michael Kyriazanos Athens, Greece
D. Mostras Pipes Greece
Stefanou Pipex Stefanou Pipex / Handmade Pipes / Lygourio - Epidavros , Greece
Velasco smoking pipes Handmade smoking pipes by Michael Pipinis-Aliagas / Athens, Greece
Constantinos Zissis Handmade smoking pipes by Constantinos Zissis (Zissis Tobacco Pipes) / Corfu, Greece



Adler Antique Meerschaums
Gallvitz Viktor Zöllner (owner)
Karol Kovacs Budapest Cobbler, often credited with making 1st Meerschaum pipe
Kalmasche A Beautifully carved example, circa 1850
Körös Pipes Balázs Szabó (owner)
Selmec 19th Century clay pipes made in Selmec



Auld Erin A Peterson second or sub-brand
B.P.L. A brand of Briar Pipes Limited, Dublin Ireland
Bennington's Belfast Also a Peterson sub-brand, Made in the Republic of Ireland for Bennington Tobacconist in Florida, USA.
Captain Pete Peterson second
Erica Peterson second
John Aylesbury Brand of John Aylesbury tobacco, but now a Peterson second
Irish Seconds A Peterson sub-brand, sold in the U.S.A., also in Austria
Irish Gems Also a Peterson sub-brand???
Kinsale A Peterson sub-brand / second
Lord Beatty Irish brand likely originating at Peterson
Shamrock A Peterson sub-brand / second



An excellent selection of Italian pipes are available at Pipedia Underwriter, lepipe.it



Senatorov (Sergei Senatorov Fjodorovic), Bondarev (Aleksandr Bondarev)



Briar Pipeworks Ltd. (Marsa / Malta)



Amphora Elbert Gubbels
Baronite Pipe see GoedeWaagen
Big Ben Elbert Gubbels
Copenhagen Style Elbert Gubbels
Croydon Lex Brouwer
De Star 17th century Dutch ceramics factory founded by De Jong family in Gouda, and sold in 1853 to GoedeWaagen
Don Bernard Pipes Bernard Myburgh
GoedeWaagen clay pipe factory
Gold Waagen Dutch brand (Gouda) of ceramic pipes from Royal GoedeWaagen
GtP Gouda Tobacco Pipes; Adriaan van der Want; Gouda, Holland
Gubbels Elbert Gubbels - Royal Dutch Pipe Factory
Hajenius P.G.C. Hajenius; Amsterdam
Hilson Elbert Gubbels; formerly Belgium
Humbry Briar Second brand of Gubbels
Old Mokum Dutch ceramic pipe brand made by Zenith
Royal Dutch Elbert Gubbels
Royal GoedeWaagen see GoedeWaagen
Tatoo Brand of Royal Dutch
Zenith Dutch porcelain pipe brand


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Canaan Pipes Abi Natur



Bastia Brand (second] of Lillehammer
Bård Hansen Current maker of Tabago; Bryggen
G. Larsen Pipefabrik see Lillehammer
Lillehammer G. Larsen
Old Briar Second brand of G. Larsen, see Lillehammer
Tabago Two separate brands over the years, currently made by Bård Hansen



Antoniewski Bartlomiej Antoniewski
B&B Artur & Mariusz Bednarczyk
Bróg Mr. Bróg: Kazimierz Rog, and Zbigniew & Renata Bednarczyk
Czeslaw Partyka ???
Dominik Pipes
Fajkołamacz Łukasz Tolzdorf
Filar Ryszard Filar
Jerzy Dudziak Polish artisan working in partnership with Stanislaw Solarski??
JSG Jan Szymon Gołowacz
Kowalewski Lech Kowalewski, makes sculpted wooden pipes
Kulpinski Ryszard Kulpinski
Meissen Porcelain Royal-Polish and Electoral-Saxon Porcelain Manufactory, Circa 1700s
Miron Chudio Mayron
Parol Marek Parol
Pastuch Pipes Wojtek Pastuch
Poliński Tadeusz & Celina Poliński
Rogrus Robert Gruszczynski
Samsel Tomasz Samsel (now Australia)
Swoboda (Wincenty); Czeck artisan in Poland
Walat Ludwik Walat, brand and name of highly respected Polish artisan who also worked for the Swoboda factory
Worobiec Henryk Worobiec
Wozniak Pipes Rafał Woźniak
Zembrowski Pipes Tomasz Zembrowski



Atelier António António Monteiro
Cardador José Bandeira Cardador
Casimiro Manual Fernandes Casimiro; Canal Caveria
Couto Antonio Moreira Couto
EV Eduardo Vieira
Haveneza Casa Havaneza brand
Medusa Inexpensive brand made by third parties for distributor SREI
Monteiro António Monteiro
Reis Joao Reis
Robalo Bruno Robalo
Santos Sabina Santos; Arruda dos Vinhos
Scorpius Pipes João Madaíl
Sua Excêlencia Brand from the SIPIL distributor. Good quality classics and freehands, made in Italy
Vieira Eduardo Vieira



AA Pipes Alguhan Akşar (Bucharest, Romania)
Gabos Pipes Gabos Costin Iuliu
Humidor Pipes (Bucharest, Romania)
Negoita Rolando Negoita (now USA)



Ailarov Sergey Ailarov
Bondarev Alexander Bondarev, St. Petersburg
Cherepanov Sergey Cherepanov
Doctor's Pipes Roman Kovalev, St. Petersburg
Dyomin Sergey Dyomin (aka "Demin")
Ershov Vladimir Ershov; clay pipe maker specializing in authentic reproductions
Fyodorov Alexey Fyodorov
Grigoriev Andrey Grigoriev; St. Petersburg
Grechukhin Vladimir Grechukhin
Java aka "Yava"
Kadnikov Andrei Kadnikov, Moscow
Kiselyov Valentin Kiselyov
Kharlamov Alexey Kharlamov (aka "Harlamov")
Kharitonov Andrey Kharitonov; Moscow
Looshin Evgeniy Looshin (aka "Lushin")
Penkov Alexandr Penkov, Abinsk
Mr. Pipes Misha Revyagin
PS Studio Vladimir Grechukhin, St. Petersburg
Saharov Alexandr Saharov
Seniak Zinovi Seniak
Shaydullin Fidel Shaydullin
Starkov Boris Starkov
Tupitsyn Alexander Tupitsyn, St. Petersburg
Yashtylov Viktor Yashtylov


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Alexa Pipes Dragomir Aleksic, Belgrade
DS Djuragin Pipes Darko and Sanela Djuragin



Pipedia thanks Rattray's for their underwriting support
Lovat A brand produced by A. Friedlander in Scotland, and also Oppenheimer Pipe in England
POW Brand by G.M. Frame
Rattray's Rattray's Original Scotlande made in various and some of the oldest companies (in Europe)



Slazansky Slazansky Patrik



Lobnik Gregor Lobnik



Arias Josep Arias; late artisan making rustic pipes sold at fairs in the Ossor (Gerona) region
Acire a second of Salvatella from the 1970s
Anfield a brand of Iberica de Pipas
Antonio Sanmartin brand of Antonio Sanmartin Abad.
Arturo Arturo del Pozo; brand and name of late Spanish Artisan supplying Pozito shop in Madrid
Arturo del Pozo Madrid
Bonet Joan Bonet, see J. Bonet; Mallorca
Brio brand of Iberica de Pipas
Bruken Sucesores de Emilio Navarro
Brukwell "fantasy" brand??
Carsipe Carles Royo Porta
Clipper brand by Iberica de Pipas
Cogars Aldaia, Valencia, Production stopped in 1980s (Lopes)
Commodore Low range brand of Iberica de Pipas, also used by various others.
Coral low range brand of Iberica de Pipas, replaced by Commodore
Cordoban Need Information.. While also a GBD second, this appears to be brand made in Spain as well.
Creu Retinyola old Spanish clay pipe factory in Palafrugell (Catalonia)
Cristino Crespo Peregrino El Gasco, Caceres
Diamant ceased production in the 1980s; Aldaia, Valencia
Duval Brand produced by Iberica de Pipas
El Picú Las Hurdas
Emilio Navarro pipemaker and Manager of the Bruken Sucesores de Emilio SL factory
Esteve Espinet former Spanish clay pipe factory in the Palamos area (Catalonia)
EWWA brand of Iberica de Pipas
Everest Brand created in 1933 by Nubió; now a Iberica de Pipas second
Galerna old brand of Iberica de Pipas
García F. Jesús García; Seville
Gester Inexpensive brand launched in 1980s by Iberica de Pipas
Gold Flame Salvatella second with 9mm filters.
Helio Ferretti brand made by Iberica de Pipas
Homs Jaume Homs
Iberica de Pipas Barcelona
labuenapipa Luis Wiesenthal
Joffre Spanish Brand
Jose Rubio Oviedo, Asturias
Juan Castellà 17th - 19th century clay pipe factory; Palamos region of Catalonia
Lady Spain Brand from Iberica de Pipas
Magistral Former brand produced in Aldaia, Valencia, which ended in the 1980s
Madelcar Brand and Spanish importer/distributor of smoking accessories
Masterly Brand of the distributor Madelcar
McIntosch Second brand of Salvatella
Minorca Spain
New Bond Inexpensive brand of Emilio Navarro SL factory, as a Bruken second
Nubió Joseph Nubió
Old Fashion Inexpensive brand from Iberica de Pipas
Piloto Brand of Iberica de Pipas
P. Luchini Brand of Iberica de Pipas
Pipas Martín Rafael Martín Oltra
Pipas Sigmund Segimon Baulenas
Pipas Soler Joan P. Soler
Pipas + O Félix Massó
Pozito Brand of tobacconist in Madrid, made by Arturo del Pozo
Saladich Joan Saladich i Garriga
Salvatella Enric Moulines Giralt
Salas-Zazo Ramón Salas and Ricardo Zazo; Costanilla de los Desamparados, Madrid
Santané Josep Santané
Saxo Inexpensive brand of Iberica de Pipas
Suárez José Aceituna Suárez; Makes pipes from rustic stone with walnut and poplar stems
Swensson Brand from Iberica de Pipas
Taioli Siro Taioli
Targard Brand from Iberica de Pipas
Vera, Alfonso artisan associated with Compañia Española de Bruck, SL



Andersson Jan Andersson; author; Pipe Club of Sweden, Secretary; amateur pipe maker
Bennwik Andreas Bennwik; Stockholm
Björn of Sweden Björn Bengtsson
Brilon old Swedish brand with changeable bowls
Carlson Bengt Carlson
Center Lopes states it is a brand produced by Pipcenter, symbol: "PC"
Dura Pipes Dura Semjaniv (broken pipe)
Geiger Pipes Love Geiger
Gurra Lars-Göran Markunger
Ivarsson Sixten Ivarsson (Denmark; broken pipe)
Jönsson Lars Jönsson
Ljung Arne Ljung (broken pipe)
Nordh Bo Nordh (broken pipe)
OF Olaf Forsberg, 18th century clay pipe artisan
Rosengren Jonas Rosengren; Halmstad, Sweden
Saenz Gary Sanz
Skapi Founded 1936 by Max D. Schwab
Svenska Rökpipfabriken Former factory in Lerum
Thunér Pipes Ronny Thunér
VNP see Vollmer & Nilsson; Martin Vollmer & Anders Nilsson
Vollmer & Nilsson Martin Vollmer & Anders Nilsson

Although much deserved credit has been given to Danish pipemakers & the "Danish Freehand" style, a lot of credit has to go to a handful of brilliant and innovative Swedish pipemakers, not the least of whom were Sixten Ivarsson & Bo Nordh (may they smoke & rest in peace).

More pipe maker articles coming soon. Very thankfully there exists an excellent site dedicated to Swedish pipe makers. We highly recommend Svenska Pipklubben (Swedish Pipe Club) and extend many thanks to Jan Andersson, club secretary (and pipe smoker, of course).



Anderegg Brand of Peter Anderegg
Yves Bäcksteiner Des Art's, Basil
Bru-Bu Brunner & Buhofer (also known as BBK)
Design by FRANZ Franz von Matt
Egloff Peter Egloff
Fischer, Peter
Glen Ben Freehand Pipes Richard Baggenstos
Heinzer, Andreas
Innerschwyzer-Pfeifen Andreas Heinzer & Family
Jean Alexis Handmade Pipes Richard Baggenstos
Jud Daniel Jud
Kappeler Alex Kappeler
La Pipa Stefan Capaul
Peter Pfeifenbau Roman Peter
Pipestar Brand of C.J. Verguet Freres, and also by the Swiss firm, Hebor SA
Stich Drechslerei Stich AG
Swiss Pipe Started by artisans from Bru-Bu
Timeless Brand of Franz von Matt
Tom’s Pipe-Line Thomas Habermacher
Tschan Moritz Tschan
Wagner Pipes Michael Wagner
Wagner Tabak-Lädeli
White Dog Freehand Pipes Richard Baggenstos
WR Freehand Pipes Wolfgang Röllin

We urgently need Helvetians (Swiss) to contribute info for the above pipemakers.



Ahmet Buyukcopur Meerschaum Pipe artisan.
Ak-Taş Meerschaum Pipe Besim Aktas; Eskisehir
Altinay Meerschaum brand produced by Altinay Pipe Ltd. company, founded 1964.
Altinok Meerschaum brand produced by Altinok-Pipe Ltd.
Altdukkan Meerschaum Cihan Celik
Aznavur Bari Ltd. Co.??
Bay Pipe Emre Mangaltepe, Meerschaum artist
BS Pipes Birol Salman
Burhan Yucel Meerschaum maker based in Eskisehir
CeSem Turkish company selling meerschaum pipes
Dülger Meerscahum Family company in Eskisehir, Turkey since 1980
Emin Brand of Meerschaum pipes by Medet Kara, and Imdat Kara
Erdogan Ege Meerschaum artist
CPW Calabash Pipes Meerschaum artist
Eyup Sabri Meerschaum artist
Fikri Baki Meerschaum artist
Gezer Brothers in partnership; Mesut, Sevket, and Kudret Gezer
Gülel Medet Kara
Hittite Meerschaum Dudullu M. Ihlamur, Mevkii Alemdağ; İstanbul
Huseyn Yanik see Sadik Yanik and Yunas Ege
IMP Imppipes - Isik Luletasi Hayv. Nakl. San & Tic. Ltd.
Irmismarbel Meerschaum Ahmet GÖVEM; Eskisehir
Ismail Baglan Meerschaum artist
Ismail Ozel Meerschaum artist
Ismat Bekler Meerschaum artist; well known Eskiehir artisan
Kadir Baysal Meerschaum artist; well known Eskiehir artisan
Karaca Ramazn Karaca; Eskisehir
Karahan, A Meerschaum artist
Kenan Ahmet Pipes Handmade Briar pipes; Istanbul
Koncak Company founded by Ekrem Koncak in 1934; Eskiehir
Kybele Ismail Ozdama (Kirac Ltd Co.)
M. Bassal Meerschaum artist; Eskisehir
MeerQueen Meerschaum Pipes
MeerschaumArt ??
MeershcumStore Inc. founded in 1908 by Bahadir Baykal, succeeded by his son, Kural.
Mergenler Brand of Meerschaum pipes Owned by Oksan Mergen, closed in the 1990s
Meric Meerschaum pipe company with shop is Eskisehir and Istambul
Munir Aydogu Meerschaum artist who retired in 2000 after 40 years of activity
Mustafa Albayrak WGM Meerschaum
Nartpipe Meerschaum pipe company
Nick's Nick Merdenyan, who started making Meershchaum pipes in 1968
Nurhan Cevahir Meerschaum pipe artisan
Ozgur Pipe Eskisehir
O. Sabri Meerschaum pipe artisan
Paktas Brand started in 1973 by meerschaum artist, Hasan Aybogdu; Eskisehir
Pipsan Pipes Pipsan Pipes
Saban Önalici Meerschaum pipe maker
Sadik Yanik
Şahin Pipo Ahmed and Bekir Şahin; Istanbul
Salim Sener Meerschaum pipe maker, Partner with Erdogan Ege
Sekircioglu Meerschaum pipes by brothers Huseyn and Mustafa. Started 1987, they split up in 1996
Selami Meerschaum pipe artisan
Servi Meerschaum pipe brand
Siyahi Siyahi Meerschaum Pipe Co.
SMS Meerschaum pipe brand and company of Samil Sermet; founded in Eskisehir, now USA
Star Meerschaum Pipes hand carved using Premium Meerschaum Bloc from Eskisehir; İstanbul, Turkey
Sultan Meerschaum Pipe Co.
Tekin Uzkesici Meerschaum pipe maker
WGM Meerschaum Mustafa Albayrak
White Pipe Ahmet Hamdi Büyükçopur
Yilmaz Meerschaum pipe artisan
Yunar Pipe Abdulvahap Yunar; Eskişehir, Turkey
Yunas Edge Meerschaum pipe artisan



Anton & Co. Pipes Alexander and Ivan Antonenko; Lviv
Golden Gate
Kamensky Stanislav Kamensky; Now in Australia
Ponomarchuk Alexander Ponomarchuk
Rizhenko Valeriy Rizhenko
Shekita Konstantin Shekita
Aksenov Yuriy Aksenov
KAF-pipe link title
M.Nazarenko Maksim Nazarenko
Serova Irina Serova
Veresk Largest pipe company in the former Soviet Union, at one time producing 20 brands; Kiev

Middle and Far East



Levon Asikyan Yerevan, Armenia
Samvel Mirijanyan


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Bullfrog Pipes Jeremiah Mierke; Melbourne
David Jones Sydney David Jones department store carried branded pipes made by Comoy's
Kamensky Stanislav Kamensky
LBM Levy Bros & Co. Need Information; Melbourne
Samsel Tomasz Samsel; Polish, but based in Australia



Daadou Pipe
Gloredo Leslie Ng
Leizhou pipe tribes
Mister Pipe
Pipe childe
P.Zhan Pipes Ping Zhan
Zhesong Pipes Li Zhesong
Shanghai Tang
Yang Kun Pipes Liuzhou City
Zhishan & Mindong Pipe


IFlag of Indonesia.gif

Elrico Pipe Elrico Sandjaya; Malang , East Java . Indonesia
Caxra Pipe Deden Hendan Durahman, Bandung, West Java province, Indonesia


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Cafe Artin Pipe shop of Mr. Artin Abrahamian
Hamid Farhang H.F.Pipes.iran on Instagram
Keresaspa Saeed "Keresaspa" Nazarli, Tehran
Kp handmade pipes Made by Kambiz pouria in Iran.
Memo Handmade Pipes Mehdi S. Aghdam
M.I Handicrafts Mohamad Javad
Pasargadtabac Pipe shop of Mr. Amirhossein rahimi known as Mastro Rahimi
vafa shop Pipe shop of Mr. saleh mousavi
Awat Handcrafts Awat Handcrafts on Instagram
Lala Pipe Pipe and tobacco shop of Mr. Mehdi Irandoost Mobile: +989024137362
Rizza Pipe Artisan smoking pipes by Reza A. Sane



Shalom Pipe Factory
Barilla Need information
Biltmore Need information
Burl King Brand of Shalom Pipe Factory



Arita Shizuo Arita
Arita Takeo Arita, son of Shizuo Arita.
Asari Japanese Pipe maker from 1970s and '80s?
Gajin Gajin Hayafune
Goisagi Pipes Y. Miyasaka
Gotoh Kei'Ichi Gotoh
Hachiro Seiji Hachiro, owner of Pipe-Do (Pipedo)
Hasegawa Toyohei Hasegawa; maker of kiserus (traditional Japanese pipes)
Hattori Zengoro Hattori; maker of kiserus (traditional Japanese pipes)
Higuchi Jun'ichiro Higuchi
HiRo Yorozutoshi Hiroyuki
Ichi Ichi Kitahara
Ikebana Tsuge Brand
K's Pipes Shin-ichi Kuwahara
Kurusu Reiichi "Ray" Kurusu; Osaka
Maruyama Hajime Maruyama
Minoru Nagata Minoru Nagata; Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture
Namiki Namiki Manufacturing Co. Ltd.; collaborates with Dunhill on lacquered pipes
Okamura Yukio Okamora, see saci
Pipedo Brand of on-line firm Pipe-Do, See Hachiro
Roland Inexpensive brand by Fukashiro Tsutomu
saci Yukio Okamura
Sakurai Kenichiro Sakurai
Satou Smio Satou
Shimizu Kanji Shimizu
Suglayma Japanese artisan
Tajima Tatsuo Tajima
Tokutomi, Hiroyuki Maebashi, Japan
Tokutomi, Yuki daughter of Hiroyuki Tokutomi.
Tsuge Sab Tsuge, owner
Tsutomu Fukashiro Tsutomu
Yanagihara Shigeyoshi Yanagihara
Zousan Logo: Large Elephant



Libre Real Briar George and Gabrielle Daoud
Manuel Shaabi Left Lebanon in 1979, and now in Germany


File:Flag of Malaysia.jpg

Hoping to add more Malaysian Pipemakers: Please add, or send to sethile.pipes@gmail.com
Abi Pipes Abdul Muttalib Md Sidik, Malaysia
Johnsson Ooi Penang Island, Malaysia

New Zealand


Speden Pipes Don Speden, now Japan
Zeman Jan Zeman



Santaroko Pipes ST Kuo
Jerry Zenn


Buchnak Meerschaum maker in Tabarka, near the border of Algeria

South Korea


Kim Jong Wook 김 종욱(코털아트) (Kim Jong-wook (nose hair art))[1]
7도sa 칠도사 (Seven Dosa)[1]
SJ MIN 잡고기 (catch)[1]

Pipe Marks & Logos

This area is still under construction, so please wear a hard hat & your favourite smoking jacket.

Due to the huge number of Pipe Makers, we hereby provide links to a number of sites with Marks & Logos:

Logos & markings


Amigos dos Cachimbo

Aldo Velani - Italy - Gold & Silver Circle: Image:Aldo Velani.jpg

ALTINAY - Turkey - Two pipes surmounted by altinay - Stamped on stem Altinaylogo.jpg

Altinok Meerschaum - Turkey - Vivaldi font "A" in a black circle: Image:Altinok.jpg

Butz-Choquin - France - BC Inside a circle: Image:Butz-Choquin.jpg

Peterson - Ireland - White script "P" stamped on stem: Image:Peterson.jpg

Salvatella - Stylised White "S" stamped on stem: Image:Salvatella.jpg

Savinelli - Italy - "S" Inside a shield surmounted by 2 pipes, stamped on stem & shank: Image:Savinelli.jpgImage:Savinelli S.jpg

Stanwell - Denmark - "S" surmounted by a Crown stamped on stem: Image:Stanwell.jpg

Vuillard - France - Stylised White "V" stamped on stem: Image:Vuillard.jpg

Elie - Belgium/Portugal - Stylised Gold "E" inset into stem: Image:Logo mouthpiece Elie.jpg; Pipe Stamp: Image:Stempel Elie.jpg

Edward CZERNY - AUSTRIA - My farther´s and mine...: Image:signatur1.jpg

Yiannos Kokkinos - Cyprus - Image:PIPE-003.jpg


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 As I don't speak Korean these are automatic translations .. obviously bad ones!