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L'article qui suit est tiré de Connecting the Dots (Reliez les points) de Stephen P.Smith et utilisé avec son autorisation. N'hésitez pas à ajouter des informations en plus, mais ne changez rien de celles tirées de l'article de Steve – l'administrateur de Pipedia

Le premier atelier de l'usine Sasieni avec l'aimable autorisation de Doug Valitchka

Reliez les points : Brève histoire de la pipe Sasieni

Par Stephen P. Smith

Une des premières 8-dot “Arundel”, avec l'aimable autorisation de G.L.Pease
Superbe 8-dot “Bedford”, avec l'aimable autorisation de G.L.Pease
“Buckingham,” une grande billiard classique assez semblable à la Dunhill LBS, avec l'aimable autorisation de G.L.Pease
1926 8-dot, forme #44, finition prune, avec l'aimable autorisation de G.L.Pease
300pxTapered bulldogs. La Rustic du dessus est une des premières 1-dot (un unique point de chaque côté du tuyau). La Rough Root en dessous est une version 4-dot tardive de forme “Brooklands” shape. avec l'aimable autorisation de G.L.Pease
Une des premières 4-dot Danzey” bent bulldog sporting précoce n° de brevet 150221/20.
Catalogue des formes Sasieni avec l'aimable autorisation de Doug Valitchka

Dans son livre "“The Ultimate Pipe Book”, Richard Carleton Hacker écrit que les collectionneurs de pipe américains "semblent davantage intéressés par les noms de marques "fumables" dont les plus collectionnables sont Dunhill, Barling, Sasieni et Charatan". Theodore Justin Gange, le défunt éditeur du regretté " The Compleat Smoker”,écrit que les pipes Sasieni ont un potentiel de collection passionnant…qui représente tout ce qu'il y a de bon dans la fabrication des pipes anglaises classiques. Et ce pour une bonne raison : les pipes fabriquées par l'entreprise Sasieni entre 1919 et 1979 comptent parmi les toutes meilleures que l'industrie pipière de Londres ait pu proposer. Elles présentent un bois superbe, des têtes sans défaut, des qualités de fumage hors pair, et un style qui les rend uniques.

Malgré tout cela, les Sasieni sont parmi les pipes les plus sous-estimées sur le marché de la collection, vendues habituellement très en dessous de leur réelle valeur. En cela elles offrent au collectionneur astucieux une véritable opportunité, qu'il ou elle recherche une pipe qui puisse prendre de la valeur ou tout simplement une pipe de grande qualité à un prix raisonnable.

Cependant, afin que le collectionneur puisse en tirer avantage, il est d'une importance cruciale de prendre en compte le fait que l'entreprise Sasieni a changé de mains en deux occasions, et que chaque propriétaire a eu des priorités et des agendas différents. Sans surprise, cela s'est répercuté sur la qualité des pipes fabriquées à ces différentes périodes. Toutes portent le nom Sasieni, mais pourtant il s'agit de pipes très différentes.

On peut diviser l'histoire de Sasieni en trois périodes, comme pour Barling. En fait, tout au long de cet article, je me référerai aux périodes Sasieni Pré-transition, Sasieni Transition, et Sasieni Post-Transition. Bien que quelques-uns puissent sourciller, je crois qu'il apparaîtra clairement que ces classifications sont parfaitement appropriées.

Par conséquent, il doit également être clair que le collectionneur doit être capable de distinguer les Sasieni des différentes époques, car ce sont pour l'essentiel les Sasieni fabriquées par la famille entre 1919 et 1979 que les collectionneurs doivent rechercher. Les deux utilités de cet article, donc, sont d'une part de retracer l'histoire des pipes Sasieni, et d'autre part de permettre aux collectionneurs de juger, avec un degré raisonnable de certitude, l'époque à laquelle la Sasieni en question a été fabriquée.

Brève histoire de l'entreprise Sasieni

Brevet vers 1924 avec l'aimable autorisation de Doug Valitchka

Il y a une bonne part de mystère qui entoure les pipes Sasieni, mystère qui tient largement à la rareté de l'information écrite sur ce sujet, comme c'est souvent le cas pour beaucoup de pipes de collection. Même le nom du fondateur a fait l'objet d'un débat. Une source estimée dit que le fondateur s'appelail "Joel" Sasieni. Une autre source également réputée affirme avec une égale certitude que son nom était "Joseph" Sasieni. (Un troisième, plutôt moins fiable, m'a dit un jour que "Joe" et "Joseph" étaient frères, mais je pense que nous pouvons à coup sûr éliminer cette hypothèse). Un vieux catalogue Sasieni qui a failli me rendre fou identifie le fondateur comme étant "J. Sasieni". Toutefois, quelques recherches au Bureau des Brevets U.S. indiquent de façon définitive que son prénom était Joel.

Joel Sasieni fit son apprentissage chez Charatan, puis alla chez Dunhill, chez qui il atteint au final le poste de directeur d'usine. Beaucoup se seraient parfaitement contentés d'une telle position, mais pas Mr Sasieni. Il ouvrit sa propre usine en 1919, en espérant pouvoir améliorer certaines de méthodes de chez Dunhill. Mr Sasieni était, à tout le moins, un optimiste.

Les choses ne furent pas simples pour la nouvelle entreprise. L'usine brûla presque immédiatement. D'apparence imperturbable Mr Sasieni reconstruit tout simplement l'usine et alla de l'avant.

Un des changements qu'il apporta à ses pipes fut dans la méthode de séchage des têtes. Alors que les blocs de bruyère étaient séchés à l'air, comme chez Barling, Sasieni introduisit une étape supplémentaire par le "séchage au four" de ses pipes. Chacune des têtes était séchée dans un four durant six semaines, retirées périodiquement pas un employé de l'usine, qui devait essuyer avec un chiffon l'humidité qui suintait de la tête, et vérifier qu'il n'y ait pas de fissures. Le résultat final était que les pipes Sasieni (du moins celles qui survivaient) étaient extrêmement sèches à fumer.

Sasieni n'avait pas oublié que le succès de Dunhill était venu avec son célèbre logo "White Spot", et comme il ne pouvait manifestement copier exactement le logo, il ne vit semble-t'il aucun problème à le réinterpréter un brin. Ainsi, chaque Sasieni qui sortait de l'usine portait un unique point bleu sur le tuyau.

Il n'est pas surprenant que l'idée de son ancien employé, rivalisant avec lui en utilisant une marque de fabrique très semblable, ne fit pas exactement plaisir à Dunhill. Il entama une procédure juridique à la fois au Royaume-Uni et aux USA. Sasieni fut sauvé en Angleterre par les lois sur les marques plutôt floues dans ce pays, et les Sasieni One Dot continuèrent d'être fabriquées pour le marché européen pour encore plusieurs décennies.

Sasieni n'eut pas tant de chance aux USA, où, dès les années 20 il avait trouvé un public enthousiaste. Dans une première tentative pour se mettre en règle avec les lois américaines sur les brevets, Sasieni déplaça le point bleu sur le côté de la pipe. Ceci malheureusement ne suffit pas, et seules quelques Sasieni avec le point sur le côté furent fabriquées, ce qui en fait aujourd'hui des pièces de collection extrêmement rares.

Donc, et merci en partie aux avocats en brevet de Dunhill, l'un des plus célèbres logos de l'industrie de la pipe était né. Afin de clairement différencier ses pipes de celles de chez Dunhill, et aussi distinguer les pipes du marché américain de toutes les autres (les pipes du marché américain avaient à l'origine trois mois de garantie, bien qu'au milieu des années trente celle-ci fut étendue à un an), Sasieni mit quatre points bleus sur ses tuyaux de pipes, leur donnant une forme de losange allongé.

Ce logo spécifique connut immédiatement le succès aux USA, où, parallèlement aux exceptionnelles qualités des pipes, il contribua à vendre celles-ci en de si grandes quantités que l'usine eût du mal à faire face à la demande. Dans les années 30, plus de 90 % de la production Sasieni partait dans les boutiques américaines.

Oui, mais nous les Américains sommes des gens agités, nous ne savons jamais quand on doit s'arrêter. Aussi énamouré que le marché américain puisse être des quatre points bleus, l'importateur voulait être sûr qu'on pourrait les voir qu'on soit d'un côté ou de l'autre du fumeur. Par conséquent, Sasieni, à contre-cœur selon certains, accepta de mettre quatre points de plus sur le côté droit du tuyau.

La Sasieni à huit points est à présent la plus recherchée de toutes les pipes Sasieni, du fait à la fois de sa rareté et du fait que, contrairement à d'autres Sasieni, le collectionneur peut être raisonnablement certain de l'époque à laquelle la pipe a été fabriquée. La Huit Point a fait ses débuts à la fin des années 20 ou au tout début des années 30, et la production s'est interrompue durant la Seconde Guerre Mondiale du fait des inévitables restrictions d'approvisionnement. De même que la Quatre Points, la Huit Points avait son logo fabriqué en insérant à la main des petits ronds de plastique bleu dans des trous percés dans le tuyau, selon un procédé identique à celui utilisé par Dunhill pour son unique White Spot.

C’était un procédé horriblement difficile, même sur les Four Dot (Quatre Points) dont chacun devait être parfaitement placé de manière à dessiner le losange voulu, et de plus sur les Eight Dot (Huit Points) les deux côtés devaient être symétriques. Pour autant il est rare de trouver un tuyau Sasieni d’origine sur lequel les points soient le moindrement décalés. Ceci en soi témoigne de la minutie avec laquelle Mr Sasieni s’appliquait à la tâche. Cela rend également assez facile de repérer un faux tuyau Sasieni.

Les Eight Dot et les FourDot étaient toutes deux commercialisées aux U.S.A avant-guerre, les Eight Dots coûtant cependant plus cher, alors que les deux pipes étaient faites de la même bruyère.

Les années d’après-guerre apportèrent de nombreux changements chez Sasieni, dont le moindre ne fut pas le décès de Mr Sasieni lui-même en 1946. Son fils Alfred (nommé peut-être ainsi d’après le nom du rival et ancien patron de son père) se montra un digne successeur dans l’affaire paternelle, et l’entreprise continua sous sa direction. Ce fut vers cette époque que l’entreprise commença de marquer « Four Dot » sur la tige des pipes, afin de tirer davantage parti de la désormais célèbre marque prestigieuse. Il y eut également d’autres changements à la fois dans la nomenclature des tiges et sur les points eux-mêmes, changements sur lesquels nous reviendrons en détail plus loin.

Durant l’Après-Guerre, Sasieni accumula formes et gammes. Alors que la Four Dot demeurait le produit le plus célèbre, l’entreprise vendit également des gammes de « second choix » sous différents noms, tels que Mayfair, Fantail, Olde English et Friar. Il s’agissait de pipes taillées dans de la bonne bruyère, mais qui possédaient une ou plusieurs imperfections, habituellement colmatées par du mastic. Ces pipes qui sans cela, pour certaines, auraient été assez bonnes pour faire des Four Dot étaient alors vendues en tant que Two Dot. Je possède deux de ces pipes dans ma collection. Toutes deux sont assez surprenantes, montrant des formes de toute beauté et un grain exceptionnel. Au début je me suis demandé pourquoi ce n’étaient pas des Four Dot. Finalement, après une inspection minutieuse, j’ai découvert que chaque pipe recelait une minuscule fissure mastiquée. En dépit de cela elles demeurent deux de mes pipes favorites. En tout cas, il est clair que Sasieni n’entendait appliquer le logo Four Dot que sur des pipes parfaites.

Brevet Fantail Sasieni 21 juillet 1953 avec l'aimable autorisation de Doug Valitchka
Publicité Fishtail des environs de 1930 avec l'aimable autorisation de Doug Valitchka
Publicité pour une Rustic présentant l'"extension" avec l'aimable autorisation de Doug Valitchka

Early Brochure, courtesy Doug Valitchka
Catalog page, post transition?, courtesy Doug Valitchka

Alfred Sasieni continued to run the company prosperously until 1979, when he sold out to another firm. Interestingly, he stayed on in the capacity of a director. At first it seems to have been a harmonious partnership. The new owners started their tenure with a limited edition reissue Eight Dot. This was a generous sized, natural stained smooth pipe which occasionally also had a gold band. Each pipe had a blue string running through the bowl, shank, and stem, affixed with a lead stamp and paper tab signed by Alfred Sasieni himself. These pipes are both strikingly handsome and maddeningly elusive, due to the fact only 100 (or so, accounts differ) were ever made.

This spirit of cooperation between the old and new owners does not appear to have lasted long. Alfred Sasieni believed only vulcanite should be used for pipe stems, eschewing the newer, trendier Lucite. When the new owners, contrary to Alfred’s wishes, issued a new Ten Dot, replete with Lucite stem, it seems Alfred decided he had had enough, and left the firm for good.

The new owners of what can accurately be called the “Transition” firm continued to create high quality pipes using the old wood and methods they inherited from the Alfred days. However, these pipes are not as collectible as the family pipes, and it is necessary for the collector to be able to differentiate between the two.

The new owners do not appear to have retained their interest in pipe making for very long, as they sold the company again in 1986. Unfortunately, this new, “Post-Transition” firm decided to abandon the high grade market place, and instead transformed the Sasieni into a mid range “smoker”, a metamorphosis from which it has yet to recover. The news owners decided to capitalize on the Four Dot mystique by eliminating all “second” lines, and issuing practically everything under the Sasieni banner as a Four Dot. This had the inevitable effect of lowering the overall quality of the line. For the first time, it was possible to find a Four Dot with a putty fill, which would have been unheard of when the family ran the company. Even the “Transition” firm maintained the integrity of the Four Dot line by marketing flawed pipes under some other line.

Ironically, it is generally agreed the two most active markets in this country today are the “high end” and “low end” markets, with the middle $35-$100 range being the most sluggish–precisely where the new Sasieni’s are now being marketed. Fortunately, fairly obvious changes in the nomenclature–to say nothing of the presence of putty–make it easy to spot a “Post-Transition” Sasieni.

Dating a Sasieni

No, this has nothing to do with asking the pipe to go out to the movies with you. As I have mentioned before, it is important to be able to date a Sasieni which you are contemplating purchasing. Pre-Transition Sasieni’s, as I will now call them, are obviously the most collectible and desirable, with the Transition pipes being marginally collectible (although the commemorative Eight Dot, when you can find one, is extremely collectible), and the Post-Transition Sasieni’s having little or no collector value at all.

Unlike Dunhill’s, Sasieni’s (and in fact most pipes) do not have an explicit system for dating the pipe to the year. However, by understanding an admittedly somewhat arcane combination of nomenclature, patent numbers, and dot arrangements, it is possible to narrow your Sasieni’s date of manufacture to within a certain era, and sometime even down to a certain decade.

Ironically, the pre-W.W.II pipes are easier to date than the post war pipes, because Joel Sasieni was always fiddling with the details which help to date the pipe. Son Alfred seems to have made some initial changes in the nomenclature after taking over the company in 1946, and been content to leave well enough alone. Sasieni nomenclature changed very little between 1950 and 1979, although the company continued to develop new shapes and finishes.

To begin with, there are three main elements to dating the Sasieni pipe, the patent number, the style of the name “Sasieni” as it appears on the shank, and the Dots themselves. Naturally, there are exceptions to these rules (this hobby would be boring without them), but for the most part these guidelines apply better than 95% of the time. All Sasieni One, Four, and Eight Dot pipes made before W.W.II and destined for the U. S. market carried a patent number on the shank which usually started with the numbers “15″, with 150221/20 and 1513428 being representative of the group. Also, the name “Sasieni” was stamped on the shank in a very florid manner, with the tail of the last “i” sweeping underneath the name forming a shape which has been compared to a fish by more than one collector. This script was discontinued by Alfred almost immediately after he took over the company, so this alone tells you your pipe is pre W.W.II. Underneath in block lettering are the words “London Made”, with the patent number making the third line.

The dots will help you narrow this down further. As we mentioned, the short lived U. S. market One Dot was introduced around 1920, and was replaced by the early to mid 1920’s by the Four Dot. The 1920’s Four Dot is distinguishable by the florid Sasieni script, a patent number, and four blue dots, which are quite small compared to the pipes of post war years. Furthermore, by 1935 Sasieni began stamping pipes, based on the shape, with their own names, which were usually, but not always, English towns. For example, apples were stamped “Hurlingham”, bulldogs were “Grosvenor” or “Danzey”, and panels were “Lincoln”. One rare and interesting variation of this was the large bent, dubbed “Viscount Lascelles”. Even in this soft Sasieni market, these pipes regularly sell for $150 in their rare appearances in mailers.

1920's 1-dot in pristine condition. The florid script with the sweeping "fish" in the name Sasieni can be clearly seen in this example - Courtesy of Mike Ahmadi

As mentioned above, the Eight Dot appeared in the late 1920’s or early 1930’s. These too have the florid script and the patent number, and the presence or absence of a town name will help you date this pipe fairly precisely. Although the Eight Dot remained in the catalogue through the war, it was for all intents and purposes discontinued during W.W.II.

Once Alfred took over the company in 1946, these elements changed in fairly rapid succession. The first thing to be changed was the nomenclature itself. In place of the elaborate “Sasieni” stamp of pre war pipes, a simpler, though still script style, “Sasieni” was used. This can be seen on patent pipes which have the small, old style dots.

Soon after, Sasieni enlarged the dots themselves, and they formed an equilateral rather than an elongated diamond. My pet theory on this is the dots were enlarged to make up for the fact there were no longer eight of them, but I can’t prove it. Finally the patent number was discontinued, and the words “Four Dot” were added. The shank thus read:

Four Dot
London Made.

Somewhat later still, this was modified to reflect the finish, e.g. Four Dot Walnut, or Four Dot Natural. All these changes seem to have been made in the years between 1946 and 1950. Therefore a pipe with new style dots and old style stamping almost certainly has a replacement stem.

This system changed little if at all in the ensuing thirty years. When the company was sold in 1979, one of the first things the new owners did was to eliminate the town names from the shanks. The dots were enlarged yet further, and the Sasieni name, though still done in script, was larger, as was the rest of the shank nomenclature, which in all other ways was similar to the Pre-Transition nomenclature. While these pipes are not as collectible as the family made pipes, they were made with care and are high quality.

The nomenclature changed again in 1986, with the sale of the company to the Post-Transition firm. The three line nomenclature was changed to two lines, with the first reading “Sasieni 4 Dot” and the second identifying the finish, e.g. Natural, Walnut, or Ruff Root. Note how 4 Dot is spelled, using an Arabic numeral 4, as opposed to spelling out the word “four”. This is the easiest way to spot a Post-Transition Sasieni, as the new company has used both script and block lettering to spell the word “Sasieni” on the shank.

As mentioned above, there are exceptions to these guidelines, which can be frustrating. Probably the most feared aberration in our neatly constructed Sasieni universe is the European One Dot. As may be remembered, Sasieni had no problem keeping his original trademark in Europe in spite of Dunhill’s best efforts to the contrary. This led to the pipe being manufactured for European markets until the sixties. If in doubt, check the rest of the nomenclature. Old style stamping (just think of the fish) means an old pipe.

The most difficult to distinguish from 1920’s era U. S. One Dots are the European One Dots made in the 30’s and 40’s. Here you just have to know your patent numbers and hope for the best, bearing in mind virtually any pre war Sasieni is collectible. In any event, these pipes are rarely found in the U. S..

A few other pipes, such as the plum finished pipes, kept their patent number after the war. Again, knowing your dots and script styles will help keep you from mis-dating these pipes.

Why Collect Sasieni’s?

Old Brochure Featuring Sasieni Stump, courtesy Doug Valitchka
4 dot Brochure Page, courtesy Doug Valitchka
Early Old England Shape Chart, courtesy Doug Valitchka
Shape Chart, courtesy Doug Valitchka

There are many reasons to collect these pipes, ranging from the purely monetary to the aesthetic and esoteric. While I personally do not collect pipes to make money, nor do I advise same, the fact remains a high grade, flawless, first quality pipe that currently sells for less than $100, and often less than $50, surely must have some potential for appreciation. No less an authority than the late Barry Levin himself once told me he felt Sasieni’s were severely under valued, but as time went by they would eventually take their rightful place next to Dunhill and Barling, as people came to appreciate the wonderful qualities of this pipe.

There are many theories regarding the soft market for these pipes, the most logical and most accepted of which points to the low price of the currently made pipes. Sellers are often reluctant to price a pre-smoked pipe higher than an unsmoked one of the same brand, and buyers reluctant to pay more.. It is important to remember, though, there is a vast difference in quality between the Pre-Transition and Post-Transition Sasieni’s. The older pipes should sell for more than the new ones, simply because their quality is so much higher.

Monetary considerations aside, there are many other reasons to collect Sasieni’s. First, unlike many collectible pipes, the Sasieni is actually quite datable, contrary to popular belief. The ability to date a Sasieni at least within a certain era, and sometimes within a decade, not only deepens our appreciation of these pipes, it also ensures we spend our money wisely.

Furthermore, there is the company itself. Sasieni was a family owned company, run by people who took deep pride in their work. The firm has an interesting history, with links to two of England’s other great firms, Dunhill and Charatan, whose influence can occasionally be seen in Sasieni pipes.

Most importantly, there is the pipe itself. Sometimes it almost seems as though collectors forget the ultimate purpose of a pipe is to deliver a great smoke. Pre-Transition Sasieni’s fulfilled this purpose admirably, and continue to do so. The old Sasieni’s were renowned for being extremely dry smoking, and even today a well cared for Sasieni will deliver a cool, dry smoke, even though the pipe may be over seventy years old. While Pre-Transition Sasieni’s are usually available only on a pre-smoked basis, occasionally one can still be found unsmoked by the fortunate collector.

On top of all this, the pipe is truly pleasing to the eye. The wood is full grained, usually featuring striking cross cuts and astonishing birds-eye, as well as the occasional straight grain. The Four and Eight Dot, as well as the early One Dot pipes always had clean bowls. Any pipe with even a tiny fill was relegated to the “second” line.

One virtue of Sasieni’s which I rarely if ever see commented on deserves mention here. The Sasieni shape line, particularly prior to the war, has an undeserved reputation for being limited and overly conservative. Yet by 1935 their catalogue listed no less than 50 different shapes! As one acquires more of these pipes one will continually be surprised at the many unusual shapes, which show, perhaps, the influence of Charatan. Anyone who has ever seen the shape knows as the Exeter, which can only be described as a sort of freehand bull moose, will know what I mean.

Besides the Exeter, I have in my own collection a 1920’s One Dot shaped like a clay pipe, complete with tilted bowl and a heel underneath, and a 1970’s era Two Dot, which can only be described as a tilt bowl, diamond shank pear (Sasieni only used the descriptive town names on the Four and Eight Dot series). The Sasieni pipe is quite literally full of surprises. I have no doubt as I continue adding to my own collection, I will discover yet more unusual shapes.

Sasieni was also a pioneer in the concept of “Ladies’ Pipes”. Three styles, the “Argyle”, the “Montrose”, and the “Dorset” were designed specifically for ladies. Unlike many so-called ladies’ pipes, these pipes did not mar the finish with colored lacquer, or have a bowl so small the lady in question could only get a five minute smoke. Instead, they had reasonably sized bowls, and long slender stems and shanks. The “Argyle” and “Montrose” were carved and smooth versions of a Billiard, respectively, and the “Dorset” was a carved oval shaped bowl. Needless to say, these pipes could be enjoyed by anyone who simply wanted a smaller, slimmer pipe, as the finishes were exactly the same as the rest of the Sasieni line.

Finally, there are the dots. This may sound a bit silly to the non-Sasieni collector, but Sasieni collectors know exactly what I mean. Sasieni collectors have a fascination with the striking logo, which is both distinctive yet tasteful. Some would say it has an almost mystical quality about it. Over the years, the dots have changed both in size and color (although many of the seeming color “variations” are simply a result of aging.) Over the years the dots ranged in color from light blue to a vivid sky blue. Many collectors are as enthralled with the dot variations as with the pipe itself!

The delights of this pipe are almost endless. They deliver a great smoke, visual enjoyment, and maybe even the possibility of monetary appreciation. They deserve to take their place next to the other great collectible pipes of England’s recent past, and perhaps, with more understanding on the part of collectors, they will.

Some Acknowledgments

Courtesy Doug Valitchka

*It is impossible to write an article such as this without a lot of help from other people, and indeed, I received a great deal of help from the pipe collecting community, from both the famous and the obscure. It never ceases to amaze me that I could call someone from out of the blue, and, upon identifying myself as a fellow pipe collector, have that person gladly, often enthusiastically, drop whatever he was doing and talk to me about pipes for an hour or more.

  • An article like this is never truly finished. Just when I think I’ve got it all figured out, I’ll talk to another collector, or read another magazine article, or come across some bit of long hidden information, and be forced to reconsider my ideas. Should anyone have anything to add to this article, I would enthusiastically welcome your call. My office number is (617) 878-1300.
  • Thanks first and foremost go to Theodore Justin Gage, former publisher of “The Compleat Smoker”, and Richard Carleton Hacker, author of “The Ultimate Pipe Book”. Both men graciously allowed me to quote from their published works, and gave generously of their time on three separate occasions each, even though neither of them was expecting a call from yours truly. Richard Carleton Hacker literally allowed his dinner to get cold one evening while he answered my many questions.
  • Thanks are due to Jim Cooke, the Vermont alchemist without whom there would be far fewer estate pieces in our collections. Jim answered many questions concerning the inner workings of the Sasieni pipe, describing in almost torturous detail the steps involved in creating the Eight Dot stem.
  • Many estate pipe dealers also gave generously of their time. Thanks go to Nikos Levin, Steve Leaders, and Jack Ehrmantraut, for discussing at length with me the current state of the Sasieni market.
  • Of course, there is the pipe collecting community itself, that legion of relentless individuals who scour the dark places in search of collectible briar. Thanks to Red Coombes, who played a crucial role in helping me verify the very existence of the seemingly apocryphal Ten Dot Sasieni. Thanks also to Mike Reschke, the well known Parker collector who’s also pretty smart when it comes to Sasieni’s. Mike introduced me to Jim Copic, and what amazing conversations those were! I felt like I had hit the mother lode! Jim enthusiastically collects not only pipes but hard to find ephemera, and was an invaluable source of information about all kinds of obscure facts, including details of the Sasieni guarantee.
  • And finally, thanks to the members of the Massachusetts based Sherlock Holmes Pipe Club, particularly our fearless leader, Col. Don Powers, who encouraged me to write this article when I myself had grave doubts about the project (”Aw shucks, Don! I don’t know nothin’ about writin’ in no fancy magazine!”), and who if fact got me started on the road to collecting Sasieni’s in the first place.
Copyright (c) 1996 by Stephen P. Smith
All rights reserved
  1. Richard Carleton Hacker, The Ultimate Pipe Book, 2nd ed. (1984; reprint, Beverly Hills, CA: Autumngold Publishing, 1989), 234. Quoted with the author’s permission.
  2. Theodore Justin Gage, “The Sasieni Pipe: A Discriminating Collector’s Delight,” Levin Pipes International’s The Complete Smoker Monograph #2, October, 1993. Quoted with the author’s permission.

Sasieni Seconds

The following page lists Sasieni seconds, courtesy of Doug Valitchka:

Sasieni Seconds.jpg

And another list, from Doug, which is likely incomplete. Please feel free to add to it, or send information to, and we can add it for you.

  • His Royal Highness
  • King's Court
  • King's Guard
  • House of Lords
  • Coronation
  • Coat of Arms
  • Royal Stuart
  • Sashar
  • Prefect
  • Friar
  • Tweed
  • Hands
  • Ivory
  • Stag
  • Claret
  • The Alternative
  • Millennium
  • Super Six
  • Fantail
  • Litewate
  • Slendaline
  • Sportsman
  • Canadian
  • Oom Paul
  • Craven
  • Royal St. Bart
  • McDonald
  • Mr. Pickwick
  • John Bull
  • Alfred S.
  • Pickwick
  • Croydon
  • Peel Street
  • Trafalgar
  • Mayfair
  • Windsor
  • Barclay
  • Coventry
  • Waverley
  • Worcester
  • Sandhurst
  • Richmond
  • Berkekey Club
  • Henley Club
  • Old England
  • Englandaire
  • London Varsity
  • Lords of London

This "CROSS BOW" appears to be a Sasieni second, somewhat in the style of an Old England. If you have additional information about this branding, please add it here, or send it to and we can add it for you.

Off site links

Logoplm.gif Sasieni markings including seconds, sub-brands and double side dots

Logoplm.gif Time chart A comprehensive illustration of the brands history

Logopip.gif La storia delle pipe Sasieni an italian text about Sasieni's history and pipes from