Talk:Jonathan Guss

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This is the working area for developing a take off page for Jon Guss articles:


Jonathan (Jon) Guss has a unique gift for research and presenting the results in scholarly papers.

Jon Guss

Jesse Silver writes in his introduction to the Barling article:

"Where we poor mortals have written in generalities and offered educated guesses, Jon has provided detailed, exact, and thoroughly researched data that dispels many of the smoke clouds in which pipe history is enshrouded. Worse, Jon has presented this data in language so graceful and engaging that I’m left with the realization that at best, I write with both thumbs. Fortunately, Jon has graciously consented to allow me to incorporate some of his findings in this revision of the Barling page. For serious Barling enthusiasts Jon’s essay is a fundamental must read".

Jon's papers have been cited and extensively quoted in Pipedia articles. He has graciously allowed us to offer several of them in their original PDF format:

On site links:

Off site links: