Steve Harmon's pipes were surely not addressed to those high-end esthetes who spend their life in search of pipe dreams. They rather express "Pipemaking is fun!" and "Have fun smoking pipe!"
Steve Harmon gave his pipes offbeat, sometimes even weird shapes. He loved to experiment with colorful staines and in addition often attached colorful acrylic adornments. Yet the bulk of his pipes remained in light and natural colors to underline the beauty of the wood. He allowed smaller pits and flaws. Major issues were rusticated. Some pipes show a net of carved lines across the entire stummel as if he had sanded down to the veins eroded by the dreaded Vermis bruyeris (briar worm).
Steve Harmon lived in Henderson (or Henderson area) in North Carolina. He was born May 04, 1960 and met a sudden death on August 07, 2007. He was surely more than just "our local carver". His pipes, mainly sold on eBay, found a lot of buyers across the States and Canada, but also in Europe and Asia. The last pieces of his heritage may be found here - eve9979.