Paul Hildebrand is a freehander from Phoenix, Arizona. He is the owner of http://www.pipemakers.org/ Pipe Makers Emporium and the exclusive distributor for Algerian briar in North America. His pipemaker's homepage is tied into the Pipe Makers Emporium ...http://www.pipemakers.org.
He's a member of The Arizona Pipe Club and also a member of the Arizona Pipe Makers Society. He frequently holds pipe making classes ... usually about 3 a year. He counts Horace Dejarnett and Larry Comeaux as a friend together with buds Ryan, Kim, and Jason. He has been smoking pipes for over 50 years and has an extensive esoteric pipe collection. He has been carving for about 10 years. He also does repairs on estate pipes and collector pieces through the Pipe Makers Emporium.