Pascal Piazzolla, cousin of “the king of Argentinian Tango” Astor Piazolla, is a master pipe maker, awarded several times for his high quality high quality craftsmanship.

He made his debut with Chapuis-Comoy Institutions (Society La Bruyère) in Saint-Claude le Jura (France). Then, as a designer, he worked for a number of famous institutions such as Butz-Choquin, Waille, Grapple, Jeantet David, Bontemps, etc.
He contributed to the development of the commercial establishment of Jean Lacroix, working from 1967 to 1978 as a representative. Passionate about his craft, he moved to the Annecy area (Aviernoz) to develop his own style and range of pipes.
With his pipes being smoked around the world and his work recognised by his peers and admirers alike, he continues to make pipes of the highest quality as his passion.
Contact Information:
Pascal Piazzolla 16 A Chemin entre deux nant 74570 Aviernoz France Phone & Fax: +33 (0)450 22 82 97 E-mail: contact@piazzolla-pascal.com Website: Pascal Piazzolla