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Domagoj Telišman has a small workshop in town of Samobor, near Zagreb – capital of Croatia. He started making pipes in 2006. Learning from articles on the internet and advices on Pipemaker's Forum, from senior pipemaker correspondence and mostly his own mistakes and successes

When he made his first 30 pipes, which are smoked only by him, he started stamping his pipes with DOTTER stamp. Shortly after that, he started selling his handmade briar and olivewood pipes. Lots of his pipes are now used by his close friends from Croatian Pipe Clubs. Nowadays, he makes pipes using briar, olivewood and bog oak (morta)

Dotter doesnt grade his pipes, each one has only his name on it, in the future maybe just the text HANDMADE IN CROATIA will be added. Pricing is set individually per each pipe, depending on material quality, finish, rarity of materials used, etc.

Dotter's pipes have found their satisfied owners all over the world.

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Domagoj Telišman

Rackoga 11 
10 000 Zagreb 
Croatia, Europe
