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My first pipe...
Poker. Black bamboo insert.
Master's stamp
Tamper for "Stanwell 08.08.08."
"Old Pulpulak"
"Nautilus vulgaris"

My name is Samvel Mirijanyan.I was born into a family of doctors. After graduating from school, I entered the Yerevan State Agrarian University and obtained a Phd in agricultural sciences. However, while I was in the university, my grandmother insisted on making me learn any craft-related profession and my choice fell on jewelry making. After this decision, in 1980, I began to combine my university studies with private classes in jewelry making and silversmithing. Since 2000, I have devoted myself to the production of jewelry. At the same time, I started collecting and restoring old pipes, which led to my constant research into the restoration of wood, ebonite, horns, bones and more, testing many technologies from different eras and different countries. About 5 years ago I decided to try making a pipe out of a piece of briar and it worked. My experience as a jeweler was very helpful in making pipes. Accuracy in finishing, cleanliness of lines, the “correct” weight of the product - all these are principles that I value very much. I am constantly trying to find a balance between form and ergonomics. This of course shows up in the proportions, shape and color of my pipe. Today I make 10 to 20 pipes a year, from briar from different countries (Italy, Cyprus, Corsica, Spain, etc.). In my work I use a variety of materials, mostly natural raw materials. In the process of restoring smoking pipes, sometimes the task of completely replacing the mouthpiece arises. You can make a mouthpiece yourself (not everyone has this ability) or use blanks from well-known (Giudici, NYH German, Savinelli) and not so well-known (for example, French vintaje vulcanite pipe stem) manufacturers. About 5-6 years ago it was necessary to put a new mouthpiece on the pipe. Having bought a suitable blank from an Italian manufacturer, I was horrified to discover that I could not properly process the blank... A search on the Internet showed 3 tools: inexpensive and not very accurate...accurate, but very expensive and a homemade wooden chuck. As a result, I made a fairly simple and effective driving chuck. The base of the chuck is a bowl with a spherical depression with a radius of about 20 mm. Strictly in the center of the bowl, along the outer edges of the recess, two pins are located, which impart a rotational movement to the workpiece. Thanks to the recess in the bowl, when installing the workpiece, self-centering of the workpiece occurs. Thus, the developed “Self-centering Drive Chuck” allows you to process the mouthpiece blank as accurately as possible. The width of the mouthpiece of the mouthpiece is within +/- 14 -18 mm. Based on this chuck, a rotating driver chuck for the tailstock and a faceplate for processing curved workpieces were made.