Would you be so kind and provide the source of info for "Nordström" article. Is this a catalog or personal conversation? Is the company still exists? Best Regards Andrew

Hi, I was watching Internet for the "Nordström" /Federichi company. It is not very important if the company still exists, the pipes are here and there and it is important for collectors and smokers to have a knowledge of them. What I found is in Italian, and I make a translation of it - best I could. This is what is my interest in this text - There is a talk about "Tuscan ribollita" and after about "in natura vegetal-stagionata". Would you be a Italian, or explain me if Maestro Federichi boiled the briar in some kind of soup - it looks little humoristic, but who knows? Here is the link: http://www.fumarelapipa.com/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=7290&forum=13 --Aserafin (talk) 15:19, 31 March 2014 (UTC)

Thanks for the clarification. I know that the ebuchons (briar pieces)are regularly boiled at least one time in water by pipemakers. Water and steaming are the most popular. But there are also oil boiling and other interesting treatments for the raw briar at pipe factory. In the fragment dated 3-10-2012 by bloger Fanastas I found, cite: "Chiarisco subito tuttavia a scanso di equivoci. Ho gia' un lavoro, il frigo pieno, e non mi serve niente.... ma certo accetterei volentieri riconoscenza " in natura vegetal-stagionata " da parte di mastro Domenico." Thus I was wondering if in context of the prewious note 9-1-2009: "l' invecchiamento di almeno 15 anni della placca di radica e la doppia bollitura a 8 mesi di distanza che per i toscani evocherebbe squisita ribollita e che ai fumatori regala una pipa leggera senza confronto rispetto al volume." written by bloger Raccoon, it means Maestro Federichi was using some special "soup" not a plain water for boiling. Best regards, Andrew--Aserafin (talk) 17:50, 31 March 2014 (UTC)

Thank you for prompt second clarification. In such circumstances I must assume that the blogger Fanastas saying: "ma certo accetterei volentieri riconoscenza "in natura vegetal-stagionata" da parte di mastro Domenico" has been used humoristic reference to the subject only. Well, the licentia poetica :). Best regards, Andrew--Aserafin (talk) 20:41, 31 March 2014 (UTC)