
Revision as of 16:54, 14 June 2020 by Stummels (talk | contribs) (Added information from a 1976 Iwan Ries catalog that suggests these were exclusive to Iwan Ries, sold as "practical" high-end Danish hand-mades)
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Hans Brandt is a quite forgotten pipemaker, who worked in the periphery of the legendary Copenhagen pipe shop Pibe-Dan. Very beautifully made, usually rather delicate freehands. Father of pipemaker Fred Brandt and son of pipemaker Frederik Brandt, who made pipes stamped "FBR". Iwan Ries & Company imported Brandt pipes in the 1970s.

The 1976 Iwan Ries catalog includes this description accompanying a photo of 5 Hans Brandt pipes:

"shape conformed.. meet old-fashioned quality in new fashioned shapes - luxury that's unexpectedly practical! Original..perfectly proportioned! A-B Quality, natural finish..proficiently hand-made in Denmark, only for us. IRC Hans Brandt..highly talented Danish craftsman. Proud examples of the finest in pipemaking expertise - always ahead of tomorrow, with more devotees every year! Shapes G11 thru G15 - no 2 exactly alike. 24T68-2 $55.00"

That price is roughly $250 in 2020 dollars. They appear on the same page with 2 other "A-B quality" lines of pipes; Savinelli Autographs retailing for $110, and a new line of Danish fancies by Andersen going for $90.

Photos by Robert Cooper