Cats Paw Pipes
From the Cats Paw Pipes website:
A Little About Us
We have been happily married since October of 1995 and have 1 son, Preston, 5 cats; Foster, Fozz, Teddy, Shadow and Loudmouth and a puppy - Cleo. It doesnt take much to see where the inspiration for the name Cats Paw Pipes came from. It may be a little odd to associate cats paws and pipes, but if you have ever seen a cat stealing your pipe cleaners, you know it kinda fits. Bill still works with the telephone company full time and will produce 15 - 30 pipes per year. Terri has been carving full time since 2002 and produces about 100 pipes per year. Terri is one of only a handfull of female pipe carvers in the world today.
We have been carving pipes since about the middle of 2000. We got started as many new carvers do, a couple of pre-drilled kits, a few tools and not a lot of know how. Those kits produced a couple of pretty ugly pipes, but the seed was sown. We started gradually with a minimum of tools and at first, did not even do our work in the shop. It was all done by hand while sitting on the couch in the living room. As we progressed we found that more and more briar blocks could be found all over the house as well as dusty kitty paw prints when the fur-kids came to check on what we were up to. This ultimately led to us setting up our workshop in the garage. It is heated and insulated, well lit and a wonderful place to sit, carve to our hearts content and really focus on the creation of your new pipe.

Much of our inspiration comes from the work of the great Danish carvers. We love the grace and flow that can be seen in many of the pipes produced by Tom Eltang, Kent Rasmussen, Bo Nordh and many others. We have been honored to meet a number of these carvers and developed friendships over the past few years. We strive to bring this grace and flow to the works we produce so that they will be appealing to the eye and functional as the best smoking pipe that we can produce. Our goal is to make pipes that will last a lifetime and bring a personal touch to ourselves and our customers.
Happy Puffin' Bill and Terri
Contact information:
Bill & Terri Weist 6703 1st Ave. North Regina, SK. Canada S4X 1C7 PHONE: (306) 359-1657