Chheda Pipes

Revision as of 19:59, 4 June 2008 by TseHa (talk | contribs) (Premal Chheda moved to Chheda Pipes)

Chheda Pipes Website

Chheda Tiger Shark
Chheda Tiger Shark
Chheda Tiger Shark
Chheda Volcano
Chheda Bent Apple Freehand
Chheda Bent Apple Freehand
Chheda Saddle Lovat
Chheda Saddle Lovat
Chheda Chubby Billiard Blast L
Chheda Chubby Billiard Blast L

Chheda Pipes are produced in Columbus, Ohio by Premal Chheda and Bill Shalosky in the Smokers' Haven Workshop. Chheda pipes will be availble for purchase at Smokers' Haven at this time.

Contact Information:

Premal Chheda
Chheda Pipes
2477 N. High St.
Columbus, Ohio 43202
