Dunhill Shell

Revision as of 15:39, 29 August 2019 by Yang (talk | contribs)

Introduced in 1996, the "Ring Grain" (RG) was created by blasting a straight grain bowl. Ring grain pipes in the Cumberland finish are designated "Shilling". It is an interesting variation on the original sandblasts which were mostly cross-grain sandblasts. The straighter grain plays a much more prominent role, giving the pipe a very distinct look and feel.

Shell Ring Grain

These are considered the best new Dunhills by many enthusiasts today, and are very rare. The finish is sometimes described as tasting like vanilla at first, with the taste becoming more normal or good as the pipe breaks in.

Dunhill, Ring Grain ODA, smokingpipes.com

Yang (talk) 10:32, 29 August 2019 (CDT)