Made by hand in Rome, Italy the Mastro Beraldi brand is crafted by the Pierluigi family using artisan techniques and economy of scale. The bowls are not fraised using templates, but instead are turned completely by hand- one by one. Mouthpieces are made of molded vulcanite which is then hand-finished inside and out to insure a smooth draw when the pipe is smoked. In addition each tenon is made of Teflon, insuring against breakage if the pipe is knocked about. Aldo Pierluigi has been making pipes since the early 70's (perhaps some of you old-timers remember the Pierluigi brand), and has constantly refined his skills to where today he and his family can produce a great pipe at a great price. Aldo Pierluigi is one of the hardest workers in the pipe business putting in more than 12 hours a day, seven days a week.