Pipes JAS

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Juan Antonio Salhus, lives in Curicó, Chile and handcrafts his renowned JAS Pipes using only hawthorn wood (Acacia Caven) and without using any type of varnish or stain in its preparation.


I have started to manufacture my pipes with native Chilean woods, the entire process is completely by hand, thanks to the characteristics of its grain, I do not use any type of dye, only carnauba wax for finishing. It is a pipe that due to the characteristics of the wood allows a very pleasant smoke, releasing its temperature very well, its carbonization is very soft giving greater protection to the bowl.

The value of each pipe is US$60, or the equivalent in Chilean pesos.



Contact Information

Pipes JAS
Juan Antonio Salhus
Curicó, Curicó

Website: http://pipasjas.blogspot.com/