
Why Collect Sasieni’s?

Old Brochure Featuring Sasieni Stump, courtesy Doug Valitchka
4 dot Brochure Page, courtesy Doug Valitchka
Early Old England Shape Chart, courtesy Doug Valitchka
Shape Chart, courtesy Doug Valitchka

There are many reasons to collect these pipes, ranging from the purely monetary to the aesthetic and esoteric. While I personally do not collect pipes to make money, nor do I advise same, the fact remains a high grade, flawless, first quality pipe that currently sells for less than $100, and often less than $50, surely must have some potential for appreciation. No less an authority than the late Barry Levin himself once told me he felt Sasieni’s were severely under valued, but as time went by they would eventually take their rightful place next to Dunhill and Barling, as people came to appreciate the wonderful qualities of this pipe.