Ron Powell
Ron Powell is the maker of RDPipes.
Hello, my names Ron D. Powell, hence RDPipes the “P” in pipes serves a double purpose but, most just say it as RD pipes which is fine with me, as long as they don’t use expletives in between, before or after. I’ll be 64 this year and I’ve been on a very long journey to get here. As long as I can remember I’ve loved art and working with my hands and, used my skills early on creating, restoring, collecting and repairing everything imaginable. A lot of these items are much too heavy for me to handle like I did because of chronic back troubles that has left me disabled after 20+ years of local and OTR truck driving. But, the pipe that I took up collecting about 22 years ago and restoring about 7 years ago was light enough for anyone and being I’d been restoring pipes the only next step would be to make them I thought, so off I went to research how this could be accomplished. Well, in 2013 I found a forum just for pipe makers and gleaned as much information as I could and they were very helpful, so started my first pipe. Not the best pipe you’ve ever seen but, a little above average, and then I found what I wanted to go back to creating an art form.[1]
Well, trying to create art, as not all of my pipes is what I consider beauties but, I do make sure they're engineered to perform flawlessly so one can have a pleasurable, hassle free smoke. All my draft holes are drilled at 9/64" in the shank and taper through the stem. I also try and get the best Mediterranean briar and highest quality rod stock for making my stems, all stems are hand cut with a 3/32" bit zone for ease of clenching and comfort. Also all stem airways are polished for ease of cleaning and airflow.
Thank you for your interest in my pipes and if you don’t find what you’re looking for this time I hope you return to see what else I have done in the near future. Sincerely R.D. Powell
Ron Powell made his last pipe on March 15th 2022.
Returned to pipe making in July of 2024
You may also enjoy listening to Brian Levine's interview with Ron Powell on the Pipes Magazine Radio Show
Rdpipes 71 - Partially Blasted Bent Bulldog, made from Strawberry Briar with hand cut Cumberland stem[2]
Rdpipes 73 - Blasted Morta Bent Rhodesian, made from 5500 year old Ukrainian Bog Oak (Morta)[3]
Contact Information
Website: E-mail: Phone: 903-385-5073