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Amphora Add, circa 1970, courtesy Doug Valitchka

Amphora pipes are made in Holland by the Jos. Gubbels organization, the same company which makes the very well known and loved Amphora Pipe Tobaccos. The pipes are produced in relatively small numbers to a high standard and not commonly found. They were used primarily in promotions and incentives for Amphora tobacco.

Amphora Shape Chart, courtesy Doug Valitchka
Amphora Flier, circa 1975, courtesy Doug Valitchka
1967 Pipe Coupon, likely included with Amphora Tobacco, courtesy Doug Valitchka

The Royal Dutch Pipe Factory Elbert Gubbels & Sons B.V. is the only manufacturer of briarroot tobacco pipes in the Benelux countries where pipes of high quality are made under the brands Big Ben, Hilson, Royal Dutch and Amphora. They also supply numerous smokers' accessories of high quality.


Lopes, Jose Manuel, Pipes: Artisans and Trademarks, Quimera Editores, 2005, p. 49