ND Pipes

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Daniel Mostran of ND Pipes, courtesy, SmokingPipes.com

ND Pipes

Born in Germany, near the Swiss/Austrian border in 1975, Daniel 'Muki' Mustran, the man behind "ND Pipes," now lives and works in Osijek, Croatia. Though a newcomer (Daniel carved his first pipe in 2010), through a combination of arriving with pipe-related skills already in the bag, intense passion for his craft, unflagging dedication, and receiving help from the likes of Enrico Marola and Eder Mathias, Mustran's carving is remarkably advanced. Preferring to use classic forms as a springboard for more adventurous shapes, rather than simply knocking out another template, Muki's aesthetic presents a fascinating synergy between the modernist executions of both the West and Russia.

When it comes to his briar source, 'Manno' is Daniel's choice, and his acrylic stems either start on a lathe and are finished by hand, or are 'hands-on' from start to finish. His draft holes are bored to either 4.0 or 4.2mm, his tenons come in at 3.8 - 4.0mm, and, towards the button, Daniel cuts his stems to form a 'Y', reducing airflow resistance and to ensuring an easy draw. Courtesy, SmokingPipes.com

Daniel has a degree in electronic engineering and is currently working in transformer station maintenance. For years he was also interested in hi-fi electronics, especially tube electronics and specialized in audio amplifiers, which he developed from scratch to accurately re-produce music as it was recorded.

From the time Daniel can first remember he was fascinated with pipes, and the people smoking them, finding himself compelled by the entire experience. But, what he liked most was the sense of peace that pipe smokers enjoy while smoking these beautiful pieces of functional art.

See Meet Daniel Mustran An excellent interview with R. Bear Graves.

Photos by Smokingpipes.com

Contact Information:

A selection of Daniel Mustran pipes is available at CIGARWORLD, a new Pipedia Underwriter

Daniel Mustran, ND Pipes
Osijek, Croatia
Email: mukihr@yahoo.com