A very brief Bio of Jim Lilley – Peterson Pipe Collector

I am flattered to think that the origin of my reasons for smoking and collecting Peterson pipes would be potentially interesting to people. I do not consider that it probably is any different, from how most others would have started. However, where it may deviate from the norm, is in eventually in it (my PAD& TAD), becoming an exclusive smoking and collecting obsession solely of the Peterson brand.

Jim Lilley with a 1938 'Eire' Extra Large Smooth System

Following several years of aimlessly smoking and accumulations,of a variety of well known mainstream and artisan pipe brands.I was put off with particularly the modern trend for Nosewarmers, Crustaceans, Whales,Snails and Puppy Dog tails and other odd avant garde boring shapes. So I decided to concentrate solely on the Peterson brand.
There was no “on the road to Damascus” moment. I just naturally, and comfortably migrated to them. Like me they were of Celtic origin. My ancestors having drifted over from Ireland to Scotland many years ago in the early 1800's.
I found them to have an affinity with my expectation of quality, in their honesty, being simply fashioned and reasonably priced. Equally they were not gaudy or pretentious, were handsomely classic in appearance and most of all, they smoked well.
My initial 'apprenticeship' was forged in acquiring a smooth 314 system and a 'Baskerville' Sherlock Holmes. My positive learning experience with both of these led to acquiring various others. In time 'I reviewed the situation' ,so to speak and took the decision to apply a more systematic approach to my burgeoning collection of random Peterson pipes.
I now channel my energies into maintaining, several mini sub collections to help maintain order from the chaos, given the huge selection of series that Peterson have and are still producing.

My main collection of around 400 Peterson pipes, now consists of the following sub groupings. including Patents, preRepublics, Mark Twain's, Darwin's, Peterson London made pipes,'Star' and 'Red' Standard Systems, Year pipes, Anniversary, Commemorative and modern higher grade pipes.
I am now most definitely a serious collector of the brand and distinguish between my large number of smoking rotation pipes and those which are purely collectables and remain unsmoked and in pristine and Museum condition.
I hope this brief insight was what you expected and that you and the others enjoyed the crack and blarney from an old Pete Nut!

'Lang may yer lum reek' an Old Scots farewell greeting.

My Contemplation, because

by Jim Lilley

I sit and smoke my pipe in the garden because I love to; because I love that environment, which is invariably beautiful, particularly on a warm sunny day and hate the environment where crowds of people are found, which are invariably always ugly;
Because of all the sport, television competitions, parties, and assorted social posturing, I thus escape; because, in a world where most men seem to spend their lives doing things they hate. My contemplation is at once an endless source of delight and an act of small rebellion; because Chickens, Flowers,Bugs and animals do not lie or cheat and cannot be bought or bribed or impressed by power, but respond only to the quiet,kindness, humility and endless patience; because I suspect that I am going along this way for the last time, and I do not want to waste the trip.

Because mercifully there are no bloody telephones; because only in the garden can I find solitude without loneliness; because Wine out of a glass always tastes better out there; because maybe one day I will see something wonderful, like my smiling wife and sons; and, finally, not because I regard contemplation and smoking my pipe as being so terribly important, but because I suspect that so many of the other concerns of men are equally unimportant - and not nearly so much fun.