Holm, Preben

Revision as of 14:07, 1 August 2007 by Sethile (talk | contribs) (New page: PREBEN HOLM AND DANISH DESIGN Preben Holm was the artisan who made pipes of "Danish design" famous in the sixties. I think he is well-known to most collectors, especially in the U.S., as ...)
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Preben Holm was the artisan who made pipes of "Danish design" famous in the sixties. I think he is well-known to most collectors, especially in the U.S., as most of his pipes were sold there. He had a very large production and when he was at the top he had 45 employees and, at that time, he himself only was 22 years old.

In 1983 Preben Holm wrote an autobiography which was published in T.P.S.E. in 1994 (See Book II page 670-673). This is a most interesting peace of history. In the end of this autobiography he writes: "Of course, I would not have succeeded if I had not employed some good assistants, especially my head-assistant whom I engaged 16 years ago when he was 16 years old. I trained him from when he was a big boy, and from experience I certainly find that in this way you get the best assistants." That 16 years old boy (actually he was 17) was Poul Winslow.

However, the U.S. market for Preben Holm's pipes dropped radically and he himself became seriously ill, so in 1985 he had to close his factory. In 1989 he died only 43 years old.