
Revision as of 13:48, 8 March 2022 by Sethile (talk | contribs)

The following Robert's pipe looks like it may have been made by Edward's. If you have information about the Robert's brand, or who made them, please add it here, or send it to and we can add it for you.

And we have the following examples, two Robert's pipes purchased on eBay by Adam Webber that appear to have a similar stamp, which he describes as, "both beautiful Danish freehands that include the IIS* stamp suggesting Preben Holm (I love that even this is a mystery). The scarcity of information and apparent sourcing from various makers makes me wonder if these Robert's pipes are from a department store. I searched Robert's Department Stores and found a small chain (now gone) in Southern California, however I have no knowledge of what they sold.

Note: Pipes stamped IIS appear to be made by Karl Erik, or perhaps Preben Holm.