DSH Pipes

Revision as of 22:09, 21 January 2015 by Dshpipes (talk | contribs)

DSH Pipes are made by David S. Huber in Durham, NC. One of David's pipes was selected to be included in the Greater Kansas City Pipe Club's 2013 contest seven pipe set. David is currently producing the Reddit 2015 Pipe of the Year.

David Huber's 2013 GKCPC Contest pipe selected for the set
David's smooth finishes are exceptional
In additional to freehands, David also makes a mean classic. Just check out that blast!
David's Moon Rock Rustication

From the DSH Pipe's website: With a background in theatre, I’ve always been enamored with story telling. This led me to explore pipe making for the first time in 2010, having admired the beauty of briar pipes for several years. By 2012, I’d completed my first pipe and found that story telling through briar was completely intoxicating.

While the art of pipe making is a driving force for me, I believe that a pipe is not a pipe until it has been smoked, the smoking qualities of every piece as integral to the tale as the shape or the finish. For this reason, I purchase only the best materials available and take the extra time necessary to engineer every pipe to perfection.

Every block of briar has a unique story to tell. It is my task to wake that story up, but it is you, the smoker, who brings that story to life.

You might also enjoy listening to Brian Levine's interview of David on the Pipes Magazine Radio Show

Contact Information:

David Huber
E-mail: dshpipes@gmail.com
Phone: 412.228.0206
Address: 114 Grapevine Trl Durham, NC 27707