TNd tobacco pipes

Revision as of 20:02, 30 January 2014 by Sethile (talk | contribs)

tNd tobacco pipes

Daniel Mostran of tNd tobacco pipes, courtesy,

I was born in Germany in 1975. A year or so, after I was born, my parents moved to Croatia where I am living since.

I have a degree in electronic engineering and I am currently working in transformer station maintenance. For years I was interested in hi-fi electronics especially tube electronics and I am specialized in audio amplifiers – developing them from scratch into fine pieces of equipment that are able to produce “music” with emotion and accuracy.

During my whole life, from the time I can remember, I was fascinated with pipes and people smoking them. From time to time, I have been fortunate enough to get the chance to talk with guys that were smoking them. I liked it a lot – the smoke, the “ritual” wrapped around it, everything. But, what I liked the most was the sense of piece those guys had while smoking those beautiful pieces of functional art. As this is what pipes truly are.

I started making pipes in spring 2010. I hope that people will be able to feel the amount of energy and joy invested in making them – personally I feel them to be truly parts of myself – a way to express myself through making them.

My sources to learn from are partially from internet and forum friends but mostly comming from my mentor and friend Enrico Marola (Enricoro Pipes).

Grading system is easy - there are letters from A to L marking the quality of the material and craftsmanship followed by two number marking the year of making.

My homepage can be found here: [1]

Daniel Mustran, tNd tobacco pipes

See Meet Daniel Mustran An excellent interview with R. Bear Graves.

tNd tobacco pipes



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