When Bob Hinton started buying and selling pipes over the internet he was only following on from a near lifetime of pipe smoking. His first pipe was a Hardcastle reject bought for fifteen shillings – 75p- in 1967 when he was serving in the Royal Navy. He still has and smokes that pipe today thus proving the worth of ‘Rejects’. After a while though it became obvious that many of the pipes today – other than colossally expensive freehand creations which he believes are more for looking at rather than smoking- conform to the same rigid styles. When he met master wood carver John Blake an idea was formed.
Sourcing some beautiful briar from Greece he turned them over to John to turn into pipes. They were both surprised when John took to the task like a duck to water. John immediately recognized the superior quality of the briar and the forms and shapes evolved naturally. Because each pipe is made completely individual no two are alike – a true heirloom in waiting. The very first pipe was only on the internet for 20 minutes when it was snapped up.
It was noticed that some manufacturers do anything they can to disguise flaws, staining, roughing up or filling with putty. However Bob and John have an entirely different outlook on these minor flaws. Bob explains that because briar is a natural material there will inevitably be the occasional minor blemish, but rather than try and hide this fact they leave them as they are, becoming part of the finish and character of the pipe. Each pipe is marked with their logo, a rampant lion next to the initials B.O.B and the legend ‘Hand Made in Wales’ Their pipes are priced so that anyone can afford a handmade pipe that they can smoke – instead of paying so much for one they are locked away in a vault somewhere. The name of the brand B.O.B. is not taken from Bob Hinton but rather it is an acronym for Brotherhood of the Briar. When Bob started selling pipes he enrolled all his customers in the Brotherhood presenting each one with a handsome certificate, and posting photos of them smoking the pipes they had bought on his blog. He now has members in practically every country. A unique point about B.O.B is that it is believed to be the very first pipemaker from Wales.
Contact information
Email: mailto:bobsbriars@gmail.com Website: http://www.bobsbriars.com site is down Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bobsbriars/