Richard Kliethermes Sr. was the founder of Briarcraft. First located on Pipetown Hill Rd, Spring Valley, NY., it moved later to 66 Central Ave., Spring Valley, NY. After the death of RK Sr., business was run by Richard Kliethermes Jr. († 1943) and was quite prosperous between 1920 and 1940. The company closed in 1950.
Briarcraft Pipe Company was very prosperous between 1920 and 1940 and usually feature a diamond shield logo. They also produced a line of seconds under the following names: Airo, Arcadian, Briarmeer, Smokemaster, Cavalcade, Hallmark, Sterling Hall, and Wimbledon. They closed their doors in 1950.
Briarcraft was started by Richard Kliethermes Sr. and located on Pipetown Hill Rd, Spring Valley, NY. It received its power from a dam on Hyenga Lake, later it moved to 66 Central Ave., Spring Valley, NY. At first it was housed in a 2 story frame building and later a 2 story stone building was added. Upon the death of RK Sr., business was run by Richard Jr, between 1920 and 1940 it was second in size to Frank Medico pipes. All the briar root was imported from Africa, with the start of WWII, imports stopped and a briar like root was imported from S. Carolina. Richard Kliethermes Jr. was the inventor of a pipe known as Smokemaster, which used a doubled up pipe cleaner in the bit to absorb tobacco juice. With the decline in business during WWII and the following 5 years it closed its doors 1950.
Around 1967 Dr. Grabow acquired the name and system rights to the Smokemaster line, and was produced until the mid 1990's. Dr. Grabow made three series. The 100, 200, and 300.
- Various examples and details, courtesy Doug Valitchka
- 1949 William & Mary Sterling College Class Pipe by Braircraft. See College Class Pipes for more photos and information. Courtesy Brian Robertson
- See Smokemaster for addition information and photos.
- Briarcraft apparently made Shur-Dri pipes, as evidenced by the following catalog page:
- Catalog Page showing display boards of budget pipes, courtesy Doug Valitchka
They also manufactured Tuffies pipes, as seen by the following store display board for use in the Waller Specialty Co. store, in Minot, ND (closed in 1948).