Comoy's Shape Number Chart

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Comoy's pipes were given shape numbers in the 1909 catalogue and also names for each shape, but it would seem that these numbers were NOT stamped on the pipes until sometime in the 1920s. The earliest known is from 1925. The shape numbers are all 3 digits until after the Cadogan acquisition of Comoy's in 1979, when some shapes were introduced with 4 digit numbers. However, they may have been introduced earlier in 1976, 1977 or 1978.

On pre-Cadogan pipes additional letters can be found after the three numbers:

  • M on Meerschaum lined pipes.
  • P on Panel shaped bowls. This may not always be the case as I have now seen a photograph of a non panel Shape 309 with a P.
  • C on some shapes with curved bits. This does not seem to be universal for all curved bits and it would appear to be mainly on Princes and Bulldogs.
  • F believed to indicate a "Fishtail" bit. Verified on an early 1930s Virgin Briar with the shape number 206F and a fishtail bit exactly like the Dunhill F/T, that was not introduced until 1950.
S small
M medium
L large
XL extraordinare shape
LW lightweight shape
Additional Information
(S) saddle bit
A/M army monunt
sq. squat
sq.shank square shank
Note: This chart has been changed to an easier to edit format. If you would prefer to see the format it was in before, the last version of that is still available at Special:PermanentLink/48046.
Shape # Shape Description Degree of Bend Size Additional Information
3 bulldog str. M
4 bulldog str. L (S)
5 bulldog str. L (S)
5XL bulldog str. XL (S)
6 billiard str. M (S)
13 billiard 1/2 S
17 kruger 1/2 M (S)
19 billiard str. L A/M
20 billiard str. L A/M
23 billiard str. L A/M, canted bowl
24 billiard str. S A/M
25 billiard str. M A/M
26 billiard 1/2 M A/M
27 billiard str. L (S)
28 billiard str. M
30 liverpool str.
35 dublin str.
36 dublin str.
39 dublin str. M A/M
42 billiard 1/2 M
43 billiard 1/2 L
47 billiard str. M
52 dublin 1/4 flatbottom/sitter
56 brandy 1/8 Everyman example [1] [2]
61 cavalier full bent vulcanite foot
64 billiard str. M
66 liverpool str. L
70 billiard 1/2 L A/M
74 billiard str. S
78 globe str. L A/M
80 bulldog str. M
84 billiard str. sq.shank, saddle stem, paneled
87 woodstock 1/8 oval stem
88 Yacht, Woodstock, or Zulu? slight bend Guildhall example [3] [4]
93 belgian str. L
97 billiard str. M
98 billiard str. M
100 billiard 1/2 XL
102 pot str. L A/M
103 pot str. S A/M
104 pot str. M A/M
106 billiard str. S
107 pot str. S
110 billiard str. L
111 liverpool str.
112 billiard str. S
117 pot str. L
122 pot str. M
123 pot str. M
124 pot str. XL (S)
125 pot str. XL
126 pot str. L
127 billiard str. XL
129 globe str. XL
130 globe str. XL (S)
131 billiard str. S
133 liverpool str.
156 lovat str. S
157 poker str. flat bottom
159 globe str. S
178 pocket/vest str. round tapered stem, Bond Street example [5] [6] [7]
182 billard str. L (S)
184 globe 1/2 M
185 billiard str. L Old Mariner example [8] [9] [10]
186 billiard str. L
187 tall billiard str. XL
188 stack str. XL
189 billiard str. M
190 liverpool str.
202 danish 1/8 oval stem
203 cutty str. oval stem
206 billiard str. S
210 lovat str. S
211 author 1/4 nearly identical to 256
212 lovat str. L
213 clay tavern str. with a spur
214 billiard 1/2 M
215 billiard 1/2 M (S)
216 bulldog str. XL
218 bulldog str. M (S)
222 cutty str. M
225 calabash 1/4 M
228c prince 1/8 Old Mariner example [11] [12] [13]
229 bulldog 1/4
234 bulldog str. M
235 kruger str. XL
238 bulldog str. M (S)
245 billiard str. S
250 dublin str. oval stem
252 pot str. S (S)
256 author 1/4 M
270 billiard str. M
274 globe str. M A/M
282 bulldog 1/4 M
284 rhodesian 1/4 M
291 billiard str. M
292 billiard str. M
296 canadian str. L oval stem
298 canadian str. L (S)
298 prince 1/8 S A/M
299 canadian str. oval stem
301 dublin str.
303 prince 1/8 M A/M
309 liverpool str. XL
311 canadian str. L
331 bulldog str. L sq.
331c bulldog 1/8 L sq.
332 billiard str. L
332B billiard str. L round shank w/ flat base, Guildhall example [14] [15]
334 globe str. L
335 globe str. S
336c prince 1/8
337c prince 1/8
338 prince str. pear bowl
339 prince str. pear bowl
339p prince str. pear bowl, paneled
340 billiard str. M
341 billiard str. S
342 billiard str. XL (Dunhill LB)
343 billiard str. XL (S)
345 stack str. L
346 cutty str. S
357 billiard str. L See example made for John's Pipe Shop
359 globe str. M
361 pot str. S
362 liverpool str.
363 foursquare str. sq.shank
364 bullcap str.
364p bullcap str. paneled
368 globe str. L
386 bulldog str. paneled bowl
388 liverpool[1] str. M
398 bulldog str. L (S), sq.
402 globe str. S
405 billiard str. S
409 bulldog 1/4 (S)
430 bulldog str. triangular shank
431 billiard str. S
433 dublin 1/8
434 liverpool str.
435 lovat str. cyrindrical bowl
436B liverpool str. Everyman example [16] [17]
437 billiard str. M (S)
439 pencil shank billiard str. M John's Pipe Shop example: [18], [19]
440 rhodesian str. M
441 hexagonol panel str. sq.shank
442 dublin 1/4 sq.shank
446 horn str. M flat bottom
463 bullcap str. M
480 dublin str. (S)
481 billard str. (S), flat bottom
483 globe str. L (S)
484 billiard str. L (S)
495 pot str. L (S)
496 pot str. M (S)
497 pot str. (S), sq.shank
499 rhodesian 1/4 XL
501 bulldog 1/8 LW
503 prince 1/8 LW pear bowl
504 prince 1/8 LW
505 billiard 1/16 LW
506 billiard 1/8 LW paneled
509 billiard 1/8 LW
511 prince 1/8 LW paneled
512 dublin 1/8 LW
513 billiard 1/8 LW
523 billiard 1/2 LW
532 globe str. (S), sq.shank
534 foursquare str. (S), sq.shank
551 globe str. S (S)
552c prince str. (S)
553 pot str. S
554 billiard str. M (S)
556 prince str (S)
588 poker 1/8 L
589 dublin 1/4 (S), modern
594 pear 1/4 (S), modern
596 billiard 1/8 (S), modern flat bottom
600 skater 1/4 modern
601? poker 1/4 modern (two entries for shape # 601)
601? billiard 1/8 LW (two entries for shape # 601)
603 poker 3/4 modern
604 dublin 1/4 (S), modern
607 billiard 1/4 (S), modern
608 billiard str. LW
616 prince 1/8 LW
618 billiard str. LW (S)
620 pot str. LW (S)
621 globe str. LW (S)
623 dublin 1/4 (S), modern paneled
624 poker 1/4 (S), modern
624 pot str. LW paneled
625 banker 1/4 (S), modern
681 bulldog str. M (S), sq.
683 bulldog str. M (S), sq.
803 foursquare str. XXL
804 billiard 1/2 XXL
807 canadian str. XXL

Shape Chart


  1. The shape 388 was originally listed here as a cutty, but is infact more of a Liverpool with pointed front and back bowl, like a double ended ship. Bill Wagner, a collector of pre-Cadogan, shop-branded Comoy's has an example of Comoy's shape 388 who describes it as identical to shape 66 (Liverpool) in a side-by-side comparison, except the bowl is a bi-pointed oblong in cross-section. Pre-WWII country of origin marking, and stamped "Charlestowne" for, or by the pipe shop of that name in South Carolina. See Everyman Shape 388 Example.