Evan Handmade Briars
About the Carver:
"My name is Mark "Evan" Schloemer. I was born in Kansas in 1955. My grandad and dad were both wood craftsmen. I grew up very close to both gentlemen, observing as well as learning. As you can tell... from my surname I am of German decent, interest in wood working comes natural for me. I inherited and still use most of my grandad's and dad's tools. Some are nearly 100 years old. I sincerely hope that you find as much joy in owning and smoking my pipes as I did in carving them. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any feedback regarding my site or pipes. I am a new carver and I do hope to continue carving for the remainder of my life. Ed Andrew or J.T. Cooke I am not, but I will continue to put all of my God given ability into each and every one of my pipes."
About my Pipes:
"My pipes are made entirely with hand tools.They have a pale yellow stem logo made out of native Kansas limestone. The stone is contained in the prehistoric marine sediment of the area. Kansas was an inland sea approximately 80-million years ago. The sea dried up approximately 65 million years ago, and the rock was exposed. See links to learn more about the stone I use in my stem logo."
Currently I do not have any pipes available.
Mark E. Schloemer P.O. Box 234 Rozel, Kansas 67574 USA Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Schloemer_2000@yahoo.com Website: (archived)