Georg Jensen

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The Georg Jensen pipe factory was founded by Per Georg Jensen and his wife in 1954, in Kopenhagen, Denmark. Since the 80s the company is under the management of his daughter Lis, and his son with the same name, Per Georg Jensen. The company manufactured around 2,000 factory pipes per year. Among the top of the line pipes are hand carved special editions and free hands.

Circa 1960s catalog page (these are among the first Georg Jensen pipes), courtesy Per Jensen via Denton Gandy
Blasted Brandy, courtesy
Per Georg Jensen, courtesy
Pamphlet, courtesy Doug Valitchka
Inside Pamphlet, courtesy Doug Valitchka

Top of the Line models of Georg Jensen have vulcanite or ebonite stems, factory pipes usually have acrylic stems.

Factory pipes (in increasing quality) were marked:

Danish Sand Achat / Amber Red Flame / Red Skin Sunrise / Orange extra / Starline Contrast / Bicolour / Harmon Excellent / Masterpiece

Pipes were commonly marked (in increasing quality) with: MODEL + MODEL NUMBER + "Made in Denmark", GJ stamp in red on the stem. MODEL NUMBER + "Georg Jensen" in italic or fancy font.

Smooth Tulip, courtesy

Extremely rare and collectible freehands were marked with:

"Straight Grain", and a number that discerns the grading from 1 (lowest) to 13 (highest).

Special edition pipes were marked with: MODEL + MODEL NUMBER + "Handmade in Denmark" + GJ stamp in white on the stem.

The factory closed down in 2001 when Per Georg Jensen (jr) became "Tobacco Professor" for MacBaren Tobacco house.

Source: Manfred Arenz

Example pages from the Full Brochure File:Georg-Jensen.pdf, both courtesy