Jake Hackert's custom hand crafted pipes are for sale directly from "Custom Hand Crafted Pipes" or they can be purchased from the "Demuth Tobacco Shop" located at 114 East King Street in Lancaster, PA. The "Demuth Tobacco Shop" is the oldest tobacco shop in the United States. It was established in 1770. Our Pipes
Briar Pipes - All Briar are imports from select Mediterranean producers. All blocks (ebauchons) are first quality and all plateaux are extra quality. Quality designation for briar, refers to the part of the burl from which the piece is cut, not the presence or absence of natural flaws, plateaux is cut from the outer layer of the burl, where the grain is tight and has a striking texture. All freehand briars are made from plateaux briar. Prices start at $75.00
Antler Pipes - Antler pipes are made from Elk antler, Mule Deer, and White Tail Deer. Prices start at $50.00
Corncob Pipes - Corn cob pipes have White Tail antler shanks with vulcanite stems. The cob is quality Missourri Meershaum cob. Prices are $15.00. Standard pipes and variations are also available. All are hand made. Stems are made from vulcanite or lucite on all pipes unless otherwise specified.
Jake Hackert also offers pipe repair and will also make pipes from other exotic woods on special order.
Jake Hackert 912 Centerville Road Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17601 USA Phone: 717 - 898 - 6359 E-mail: jacobtatjake@aol.com Website: Jake Hackert