KW Pipes
From Pipes, Artisans and Trademarks, by José Manuel Lopes
Kirk Walden is a young North American artisan, and also a pipe repairman, who shows the influence of Danish freehands. He has produced part time since 2002, and works with Greek Briar. Kirk uses vulcanite and sometimes lucite stems, with accessories such as bamboo and antler.
Stamp: Kirk Walden. Symbol: red gem in the shape of a spot
I could find nothing on the internet about Kirk or his pipes since 2007, his website closed in 2007 and from I think he stopped selling on ebay around that same time. Below is from the KW Pipes website in Jan 2005 thanks to internet archive.
All About Me and Mine I am in my early thirty's and have been married 10 years. My wife and I are raising our two children, (Alex our eight year old and Emily who is two).
I have been smoking pipes since I was 18 and got a part time job in our local pipe shop. I made friends with the shops local pipe repairman. He taught me how to repair pipes. When he retired in 1998 I bought his pipe repair business from him. Two years ago I decided after repairing hundreds of pipes I should try and carve one for myself. It wasn't a Masterpiece but was and still is a great smoking pipe. I didn't know it then that carving Danish inspired free hand pipes would become my passion. For now while I am raising my family this is only a part-time endeavor.
My father-in-law convinced me to let him sell some of my freehand pipes on E-Bay. This was the beginning of Kirk Walden Pipes. Check out the archive of my pipes and check E-Bay for my current offerings.
If you have any questions for me E-mail me at I will gladly answer your questions and inquiries.
Quality Danish Inspired Freehand Pipes for Sale
At Kirk Walden Pipes, carver Kirk Walden carves one of a kind Danish inspired freehand smoking pipes.
At Kirk Walden Pipes we believe you do not have to spend $300-$500 for a quality, great smoking pipe. We believe every pipe smoker should be able to smoke a high quality pipe at a reasonable price. Kirk prices his pipes for the working majority so he and I can afford them. All our bamboo pipes are $200.00 or less, mostly a lot less. Our other pipes are less than $150.00 with a large selection that is less than $100.00.
To keep our pipes reasonably priced we use high quality pre-formed stems, then shape them to complement the pipe. Custom cut stems can double the price you are paying.
Kirk can custom cut a stem from Vulcanite, Lucite, or Cumberland rod stock on your custom order. Lucite $50.00 - Vulcanite or Cumberland $70.00.
All of Kirks free hand pipes are stamped with his name and the stems have a red jewel like dot. The stems are almost always made of Vulcanite. Kirk prefers Vulcanite, it has a better feel to the tooth.
Kirk can recreate any of his Danish free hand pipes that are in the Pipe Archive and if you do not see what you are looking for he takes Custom Orders. Kirk can pre-carbonize the bowl of any of his pipes. Just let us know if you want this done.
All of Kirks pipes are Freehand, no two will ever be exactly the same. Because of this when Kirk recreates a pipe for you it will be as close to the original as is possible and still be a unique one of a kind pipe you can call your own.
We currently produce Four Freehand Series of our pipes:
Freehand Series - Danish inspired Free Hands
Deer Horn Series - Deer, Elk, or Caribou Horn accent on the shank
Bamboo Series - Bamboo shanked Pipes
Blue Hawaii Series - Any of the above with a Special Blue Stained Bowl
The bowl of any pipe we sell can be pre-carbonized.