Jeremiah W. Montgomery about his pipemaker's career:
"I began making pipes when I lived in Southmont, a small suburb of Johnstown, Pennsylvania. I had been smoking a pipe for almost two years at that point, and a friend - also a pipe smoker - suggested that we try our hand at making our own. And so was born the Southmont Pipe Company, which operated in the basement garage of my house until early 2006. The pipes I made during this time are stamped with a stylized fusion of the letters 'S' and 'P'.
When I moved to Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania in mid-2006, I decided to set up a new pipe shop. Since I was now operating on my own, however, I decided that a new name was needed. I decided to call the new enterprise after myself: Montgomery Handmade Pipes. At the same time that I set up the new shop, I also undertook numerous improvements to my engineering process. The results are pipes that are several orders of magnitude improved over my previous endeavors.
All of my new pipes are stamped with the letters 'MHP' followed by a four-digit code. The first two digits tell the year of creation, and the second two tell the pipe's order in that year's series. For example, a pipe stamped "MHP0601" would be the first pipe made in 2006."
Jeremiah W. Montgomery Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania USA E-mail: Website: Pipe & Pint