Patrice Sébilo
Patrice Sébilo is often described as a rather shy man who loves his privacy and doesn't like to disclose many things about himself. He was born in the year 1957 in the County of Brière in the Brittany, the "Far West" of France and started up his career as cabinetmaker. Later he worked in the mechanical and aeronautical industry (Airbus) for 13 years.
In 1987 he felt the time was ripe for another change. Rediscovering the medium wood which he loves so much he stubbornly changed direction and, settling down in Herbignac, he opened a small workshop where he began to make pipes. With his gifted hands he was quickly able to gain renownedness within his field. His pipes are certainly very individual and although he turned to a factory like production to some extent he modestly maintained the status of a craftman.
Patrice Sébilo got really famous for his Morta pipes made of the blackened oak wood, which has spent a great deal of time immersed in the marshes of the Brière County. Before Morta pipes became hype around 2004/2005, Sébilo was the only pipemaker in the world beside the Austrian Josef Prammer who worked with Morta for long years. In addition he was the only remaining active pipemaker in Brittany.
In 2002 Patrice Sébilo quit on pipemaking, taking up a well paid job in the furniture industry. He sold his business, including the workshop and it's entire inventory, to Trever Talbert who moved to France with his wife in May of 2002. And it was Trever Talbert to take for certain who started the Morta hype with his fresh designs and meticulous carving.