Souers, Denny
Denny Souers Pipes
Mainly Danish style, high-quality, hand-carved freehand pipes with a wide variety of stem types, but mainly acrylic. Insignia is DCS, carved (not stamped) on the bottom of the shank. You can find a few on eBay, in the $100-$800 range, mainly.
From one of his eBay pages:
"I have been creating hand-carved Grecian briar pipes for 40 years. I hand-carve unique pipes that impress the eye, please the touch and satisfy the pipe smoker’s need for a one-of-a-kind experience. I [carve] EACH pipe with my insignia, DCS, which has met a serious standard of pipe-making.
I start with plateaux blocks of Grecian briar paying careful attention to the wood grain. I turn the tough burl blocks into individually crafted works of art in a variety of styles, from the dramatic freehand to the classics. I am constantly feeling the comfort level and ease of handling. I Keep the pipes light weight, 2 oz., so they are always comfortable.
Important design features include tobacco holes cut in a distinctive teardrop shape to allow a better draw, and bowl walls which measure greater than a quarter-inch to maximize a cool smoke.
All my pipes are finished with carnauba wax which allows the bowl to breathe while protecting the wood from oils and impurities. The bowls are not pre-carboned so you can judge the fine unfinished wood grain for yourself."
From various defunct newsgroup archives, some info on Denny Souers:
Ben R. 16 years ago
Lion Crest sold a lot of pipes that Denny Souers made. Assuming the pipe you got is in good shape, you got a good deal. Denny Souers pipes were never cheap.
Biervergnugen 16 years ago
Denny and his wife make a yearly appearance here in Louisville, KY each year during our St. James Art Fair. He works from his home in Ohio (Columbus, maybe?) producing some very unique pieces. I know two lads who have accumulated 7-day sets of his work! One of these pieces was specially made for my friend (who is of a rather substantial stature) by Denny after coming across an especially large piece of briar which yielded what we lovingly refer to as the Driftwood-special. A definite one-of-a-kind!
r*** 16 years ago
Denny has made some great smoking instruments. I have two. He has a flair for artisan style pipes as well as Danish. He is also a regular at the annual juried Louisville Arts & Craft Show. He seems to spend most of his time in Florida these days. After Lioncrest left their site I haven't seen much of his work, except occasionaly on Ebay. Enjoy you pipe, it was an excellent purchase.
To see a wide variety of his pipes, go to and look up and go back to 2003, then the Denny Souers link.
- Denny Souers pipe example and details, courtesy Cameron LeCocq
- Other Denny Souers pipe images, courtesy Tse Ha