Whidbey Islander Pipes
Whidbey Islander Pipes are high-praised, but very rarely seen freehand pipes.
Hand-cut Briars by Master Pipe Maker Travers LaRue were made and sold in his shop "Virginia Tobacco and Pipe Shoppe " in Langley on Whidbey Island, Wa. between 1972- 1983. LaRue died in 1983. He used 125 year old Sardinian briar and 150 year old Grecian Plateau briar with or without burl top. Trav custom designed " free-hands " or classic shapes. A sterling dot on the shank along with his signature marked his one of a kind designs and possibly one of the best smoking pipes around. Trav taught his son-in-law Charles Whitmore the trade and soon he became a pipe maker too. The shop produced a hand-cut from 75 year old Italian briar known as the " Whidbey Islander ". These were mostly made by Chuck Whitmore that could be ordered with your own name inscribed. The shop was also known for hand blended pipe tobacco that was 100% pure premium quality American and imported tobaccos. The most famous being " Brown Crock ". The 1936 Hollywood Pipe Shop recipe that Bing Crosby smoked exclusively and loved by many. The family still owns the recipe. Travers pipes are few and precious. You're lucky if you own one.