Northern Briar Pipes

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From The Briary website [1]:

Ian Walker makes the Northern Briar Pipes in his small shop in Stockport England. His rustications are deep and beautiful. He calls he rustications ROX CUT. His "PREMIER" series is his better pipes, and the "REGAL Series" is a little less exacting than his Premier series. All of Ian's stems are hand cut either from Vulcanite or Cumberland rod stock.

Pictured bellow-- Giant "Premier" Billiard with tapered brindle stem. 7.25 x 2.5 inches.

Ianwalker1.jpg Ianwalker2.jpg

Pictured bellow-- Massive "Rox Cut" Lovat 7.5 x 2-1/4


The History of Northern Briar Pipes

Northern Briar was started by Ian Walker' Grandfather, George Walker, who in 1931 became the factory foreman at Duncan Briar's. After a nine year apprenticeship he was in charge of training the staff of pipe makers and pipe finishers.

In 1958 Ian's Grandfather and Ian's Father, Peter Walker, started a pipe repair service, repairing pipes for tobacconists' all over the United Kingdom.

In 1972 Ian left school and started work in the family business. His first day at work he had to sweep the floor of the workshop for an hour, make coffee, and only then was he allowed to polish some pipes!! Then his dad told him to go home, change clothes and go to his grandfathers house where he spent the evening making silver rings for pipes from a silver sheet.

In 1983 his parents bought a Tobacconist Shop in Heaton Moor, Stockport England where he was now doing pipe repairs and beginning to make pipes for the shop. A little later he started making pipes for other local tobacconist' in the area.

In 1999 Ian did his first trade show for Tobacconist and Pipe Clubs all over the United Kingdom. Last year he made the pipe for the 2005 British Pipe Smoking Championship. He had to make 50 pipes that were all the same.

In 2006, he did his first show overseas in Chicago where Skip Elliott saw his work and decided they would be a great addition to our current selection of English Pipes we now carry at The Briary. Later this year Ian will be taking his Northern Briar Pipes to exhibit in Dortmund, Germany.