Nuttens Pipes

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Bruno Nuttens is Belgian born, but has lived in France for 17 years. Living in a dome, he gradually began to make pipes in between doing repairs. In just a few years, thanks to the advice of Pierre Morel, Bruno made significant progress. He is influenced by German piper makers as well as the style of the late Italian Paolo Becker. Bruno offers two categories of pipes on his website, social media and forums ( and more recently on the North Pipe): hand-made and pre-turned head pipes (Heritage series and Vintage collection).

Bruno is talented, sociable, friendly and very modest. His sandblast pipes are awesome.

Nuttens pipes are available at CIGARWORLD, a new Pipedia Underwriter

Contact information

An excellent selection of Nuttens pipes is available at Pipedia Underwriter,
Pfeifen Shop Online (a new Pipedia Underwriter) has an excellent selection of Nuttens Pipes

Website: Bruno Nuttens Master Smoking Pipe Maker