Olie Sylvester
Born in 1972 in Deland, Florida, Olie Sylvester started collecting pipes around age 12. After graduating from The Savannah College of Art and Design in Savannah, Georgia in 1999, he moved to the Atlanta area, and started collecting pipes again.
This collecting would turn into a need for more and more knowledge of pipes. Finding Pipes and Tobaccos magazine in a local bookstore was a good springboard into the world of pipes, and consequently, allowed him to find the Atlanta Pipe Club, where he would continue to learn from other collectors, retailers, carvers, and great friends.
At one club meeting in Atlanta, Bjarne Nielsen would visit and that visit would change so many things. It was early 2008 and the first pipe podcast interview was made during the club meeting with Bjarne. Sadly, Bjarne passed away only a few weeks later, but the history captured that day was, and is, so very cherished.
The podcast would continue to be put out for a number of years, though the frequency became sparse due to time constraints of other work. Over the years Olie has recorded numerous chats with many incredible carvers and others in the world of pipes.
Also in 2008, Sylvester’s line of pipes: Monstrosity Pipes, was born. Initially, some early pieces were started by the famous American carver, Mark Tinsky, then finished or “designed” by Olie. Eventually, the need to learn pipe making from beginning to end would turn Sylvester’s focus to Tennessee and learning from another famous American carver, Todd Johnson.
By luck, good fortune, or perhaps both, Bruce Weaver would also pop over to work in Johnson’s studio during this time, adding another, not insignificant facet, to this focused time of learning in Brentwood, Tennessee. Over the following years, Olie would find great help through Bruce’s knowledge and warm friendship.
After his stint in Tennessee, Olie managed to take back home with him a wealth of information, hands on learning, and his first lathe.
Sylvester’s approach to pipes is decidedly unconventional, and at times, darkly playful. This may be most evident from the Pipes and Tobaccos cover story of fall 2013 which boldly captures an odd pipe named “Witch’s Tooth” on its glossy front cover.
Stylistically, his initial inspirations come from many places, but not least of all, the great artist and pipe maker, Anne Julie, perhaps with a heavy dash of Dadaist Marcel Duchamp.
Olie Sylvester lives in Auburn, Georgia with his wife and two sons. His pipes can be found at oompaul.com. His art can be found at Artaday.shop. You can also find him on Instagram at @monstrositypipes @olieps3, and @o.sylvester.o
Contact Information:
Website: http://oompaul.com/ Instagram: @monstrositypipes @olieps3, and @o.sylvester.o