Irina Serova is a young pipe maker in the Ukraine who started making pipes in March of 2016, only 2 years ago as of this writing. She still considers herself a beginner in the sense of how long she has been making pipes. That may be so, but her work clearly shows great skill and she has already developed a unique voice.
The following questions were posed by Manuele Cavani so we could get to know this promising young pipe maker. I have edited the English a bit for clarity --sethile (talk) 09:28, 14 January 2018 (CST):
Manuele: When did you start making pipes?
Irina: I started to make pipes in March of 2016, almost 2 years ago. So I guess I can say I'm still a beginner
Manuele: How did you come to get the passion to nake pipes? Who was you teacher?
Irina: I’m not a pipesmoker and I’m not a smoker at all, but I like a smoking pipe as a beautiful and pleasant object. I was lucky to have an opportunity to observe how Alex Brishuta makes his pipes, so I decided to try and make a pipe by myself. Surely, Alex helped and taught me. Surprisingly I succeeded and loved the process. Thus something, started from curiosity, became a serious employment. Shortly after that I decided to leave the work I was doing in order to dedicate myself to pipemaking.
Manuele: Do you have specific pipemakers who you admire or are your favourites?
Irina: A lot of pipemakers make beautiful pipes, it would take so much time to name all of them. I just like to look on other pipemakers' work and adore the different forms and finishings created by their hands.
Manuele: What are your favorite shapes?
Irina: Pokers and tomatoes - for now they are my favorites. But that may change eventually, since I still have so much to try.
- Several examples courtesy, Manuele Cavani
Contact Information:
Pipes available on BriarClub: Facebook: https://www.facebook.comirina.serova.10236?fref=ts