Pipe Making

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The Pipe Making subsection of Pipedia serves as the Wiki home of the PipemakersForum.com. Much of what appears here is gleaned from the Forum. We highly recommend reading and participation in the forum in addition to reading and contributing here.

New pipe makers will find these two charts helpful. Classic pipe shapes, by Bill Burney: Pipe Shapes. And pipe parts along with their names, also by Bill Burney, see Pipe Parts.

Teddy Knudsen shaping, courtesy Lars Kiel

Getting Started

Many pipe makers in the US start out with a small Book called Pimo's Guide to Pipe Crafting at Home. While far from exhaustive, this small book offers many helpful tips on pipe making with minimal tooling. Also helpful is the article Pipe Making For The Rank Amateur, by Bob Everett.

A Cautionary Note: Because some ultra high grade pipes sell for thousands of dollars, it is tempting for the uninitiated to think they may be able to get rich making pipes, or at least make a decent living. Relatively few pipe makers make their primary living as pipe makers, and it is a very small handful of pipe makers that sell in the upper price ranges. Those that do have unusual talents or gifts and have dedicated a great deal of time developing them. Most also invest a considerable amount of money in equipment and materials. Having said this, pipe making is great fun, and very rewarding in many ways, but be careful--most pipe smokers are not addicted to tobacco, but most pipe makers are addicted to pipe making!

Pipe Kits:

Pre-bored pipe making kits with pre-fit stems are a good way to start, especially for those who don't have access to many tools, or previous woodworking experience. With the kit, the new pipe maker can focus their efforts on shaping and finishing the pipe and avoid the pitfalls associated with drilling the tobacco chamber, airway, and mortise, not to mention facing the shank and stem to meet perfectly, and turning the tenon of the stem to fit snugly in the mortise. These steps are all great fun and some first time pipe makers start right in from scratch, but it can be a bit overwhelming and tool intensive for the beginner without a background in woodworking or machining trades. Even with the pipe kit, it is still possible to do some "tweaking" of the airway in the shank and stem, as well as thinning the button area and carefully funneling slot. Careful attention to tweaking in the generic mechanics of a pipe kit after shaping the stummel and shank can turn it into a really fine pipe, and every bit your own creation.

Pipe kits generally come in variations of three basic styles intended for bent pipes, straight pipes, or freehand pipes. Several pipe makers also offer custom kits. Kits are available with two different pre-fit stem mounting styles (flush or military mount), and using either ebauchon or plateaux cut briar blocks.

Ebauchon blocks are generally used in the manufacture of machine made pipes. They are most often cut perpendicular to the axis of the straight grain, which renders cross grains with birdseye. They tend to have more inherent flaws than plateaux briar. They are typically good for a small to medium pipe, and are most often cheaper, and often recommended for a first pipe.

Plateaux Briar, as the name suggests, is the top part of the burl. It has a rough pebble top that can be left on for a freehand look or sanded smooth for a traditional appearance. Plateaux comes in different shapes and sizes. we will do the best we can to match your design to the proper block. Plateaux grain tends to run straight or angled. These blocks will generally yield flame grains or an occasional straight grain. They contain generally less flaws than ebauchon , though you don't know what a block will yield until you get into it.

Pimo offers kits, but many pipe makers in the US recommend the ones from American Smoking Pipe Co. (Mark Tinsky). Available from The American Smoking Pipe, or from Tim West (J.H. Lowe) available from J.H.Lowe. Kits are also available from Pipe Makers Emporium and eBay stores GreatGoodsRUS and Vermont Freehand.

In Denmark kits available from P.E.Hermann. In Norway kits are available from Tabago. In Germany kits are available from Dan Pipe.

Basic Tools

It is wise to refrain from investing in expensive tooling until you have made your first few pipes. Tools needed to complete a pipe kit:

1. Electric Hand drill(variable speed 3/8" or larger)*
   1.1 Buy or build a jig that will enable you to clamp the drill to your work bench or table. 
   1.2 Flexible 3" to 5" sanding disk and arbor, and assorted grit sandpaper.
   1.2 At least 2 6" buffing wheels and arbors, buffing compounds, Carnuba wax.** 
2. Files(Nicholson makes nice file sets at affordable prices. One can never have too many files of   
   various sizes, shapes and cuts). A round chain saw file is also very handy.
3. Coping saw for rough shaping
4. Eye protection and respirator or dust masks.
  • The electric hand drill and accessories is optional. It saves a lot of time, and can be used for many other things should pipe making not be an ongoing interest. Still, it's amazing who much one can do with just files, sandpaper, and elbow grease.
  • It is best to use only one type of compound on each buffing wheel. Ideally it is good to have four. Two muslin ones for compounds, one muslin one for applying the Carnuba wax, and one flannel wheel for the final buff.

Note: The above tools are very adequate for working with pipe kits. If you're planning on drilling the stummel (briar block) and then fitting the stem to the block, you will also want either a more elaborate jig for mounting your hand drill, such as is described in the Pimo book, a drill press (drill press frames for holding your hand drill would also work), or a lathe. In addition you will need to buy or make tobacco chamber bits, and buy drill bits for drilling the mortise and airway. (see Tooling)

Basic Supplies

The following supplies will be needed to complete a pipe kit:

1. Sandpaper in the following grits: 150, 220, 360, 400, and 600.
2. Stain of your choice. Use alcohol based analyn dye, or leather dye
3. Denatured alcohol for thinning stains and wetting the pipe to see grain and scratches
4. Buffing compounds (tan or brown tripoli and white diamond are a good start).
3. Carnauba wax for a smooth finish, and/or maybe shellac for a rusticated finish.

Many of these items can be purchased locally. Others can be ordered with your pipe kit. Also see Suppliers.


The "Stummel" is the briar portion of the pipe, which includes the bowl and shank. The following articles should prove helpful in understanding the process of drilling and shaping the stummel. Drilling on a Lathe | Shaping on a Lathe | Shaping with a Sanding Disc | Shaping with Misc Tools | Bamboo Shanks

The internal engineering of a pipe does a lot to determine the smoking qualities of a pipe. While it is most certainly critical to start with good briar, it is also important to take care to do a good job of drilling in order to maximize the potential of the briar. A poorly drilled pipe is not only a sign of a maker's sloppiness, but is likely to hurt the smoking qualities of a pipe.

Essentially three holes need be drilled in the briar block to make it into a pipe. The tobacco chamber , the draught hole (or smoke hole), and the mortise (the hole in the end of the shank which the stem is inserted into).

Most tobacco chambers are 5/8"-1", and I estimate that the majority of handmade pipes have tobacco chambers from 3/4"-7/8" range. The profile of this holes ranges from a U-shape to a V-shape, determined mostly by the shape of the bowl. A tobacco chamber's diameter is measured at the top of the bowl.

Draught-hole size is a topic of much debate. The size of this hole is a large factor in the openness of the draw, and the debate is over which size brings the best smoking characteristics. I personally use 5/32" (3.97 mm), and this is on the larger size of the debate. Some endorse a draught hole as large as 4.2-4.3 mm, while some say that 3.2-3.5 mm is the optimum size. Ultimately, there are so many variables, from tobacco chamber size and shape, to the nature and curing of each block of briar, that it is nigh on impossible to claim a best size for all scenarios. As such, a compromise much be reached, and each pipe maker must use a size that he determines best matches his, and his customers', desires.

Finally, there is the mortise. This needs to be very cleanly cut into the shank to provide a nice fit for the tenon on the stem. Most mortises range from 1/4"- 3/8", with the norm falling around 5/16".

Drilling can be done at various points in the carving process. I personally drill the holes as the first step of the pipe making process, in the order of draught hole, mortise hole, then tobacco chamber. I think this is the standard order of events for most hobbyist carvers. Many of the Danish carvers, shape the pipe first then drill the stummel by hand after it is shaped. The advantage to this process is that the shape of the pipe is not constrained by the pre-bored holes, and the shape can therefore be adjusted to maximize the beauty of the grain and minimize pits. It is not practiced as often as the "holes-first" method, I suppose because of years of practice necessary to develop the degree of skill it requires to drill the holes properly by hand.


Pre-molded stems

Hand cut stems

Delrin tenons

Delrin[1] is the brand name for an acetal resin engineering plastic invented and sold by DuPont. Often marketed and used as a metal substitute, Delrin is a lightweight, low-friction, and wear-resistant plastic capable of operating in temperatures in excess of 90 degrees celsius (approx 200 degrees Fahrenheit). According to the material safety data sheet from DuPont, the material has a slight odor of formaldehyde.

Other names for this compound include: polyoxymethylene (POM), acetal resin, polytrioxane and polyformaldehyde.

The Food and Drug Administration has approved Delrin for use in the food industry.

Delrin has proven to be an excellent material for use as stem tenons in pipe making. It is self-lubricating, and strong. The disadvantages are that it is so strong that should a pipe with a Delrin tenon be dropped, the shank might break, instead of the tenon. Shank repairs are, of course, much more problematic then stem replacement, or repairs to a broken tenon. Using a Delrin tenon can also limit the shape of the stem near the shank of the pipe where the Delrin is glued into the stem. This is especially the case for close to the shank saddle or 1/2 saddle stems. Still, Delrin is the prefered tenon material of many pipe makers, and an excellent alternative to hand cutting tenons when hand cut stems, or turning down tenons in pre-molded stems.

See Using Delrin Tenons for a complete outline of how to use Delrin tenons.

Stem inserts



Machines can be a huge asset while making pipes. Each pipe maker finds and refines their own methods, so the machines used vary greatly, but the following types of machines are common to professional and serious amateur pipe makers.

Wood Lathe | Drill Press | Metal Lathe | Band Saw | Dremel | Belt Sander | Buffer

Hand Tools

Drills and bits



Mindong: Briar; Bamboo; Horn.


P.E.Hermann: Assorted Pipemaking Supplies.


Marco Janzen - Hermann von Appen: Assorted Pipemaking Supplies.


Volontà Anselmo a.s.: Ebonite Rod

Romeo Briar: Briar

Calabria Pipe: Briar


Jaume Hom: Briar

Jean Pierre Soler: Briar


J.H.Lowe owned & operated by Tim West: Briar - Plateau, Ebacheon, Stummels, Pipe Kits; Rod - Vulcanite & Acrylic/Lucite; Preformed Stems - Vulcanite & Acrylic/Lucite; Shank Repair Bands; Finishing Products - Buffs, Compounds, Abrasives, Stains, Wax; Machine Parts - Tenon Cutters, Arbors, Sanding Discs, Mortise Drill; Tools - Drills, Taps, Spade, Bits; Miscellaneous - Bone Screws, Delrin Tenons, Teflon Push Sets, Top Bowls, Bamboo, Calabash Bowls.

Briar Pipe Tooling owned & operated by Trent Rudat: Lathe chuck jaws customized for pipemakers; Silver & Deming bits ground for tobacco chamber boring; Any custom tooling to your specifications & requirements.

Delvie's Plastics Inc.: Acrylic Rod for Stems; Buffing Wheels; Buffing Compounds; Buffers.

Jamestown Distributors: Taper Point Drill Bits; Abrasives.

Parks Pipes: Briar Blocks.

Pipe Makers Emporium: Briar; Preformed Stems - Ebonite, Cumberland & Acrylic/Lucite; Rod - Vulcanite & Acrylic/Lucite; Finishing Products.

GreatGoodsRUS: Briar

TenonWorks: Briar; Preformed Stems

Vermont Freehand (eBay Store): Briar; Preformed Stems.

The American Smoking Pipe Co.: Briar; Preformed Stems.