Rattray's Original Scotlande made in various and some of the oldest companies (in europe)
Rattray's stands for the highest quality of scottish smoking culture. Charles Rattray, born in 1880 in Scotland, spent his time training in the stronghold of the tobacco industry in Dundee, Scotland, and took the decision very early even to realize his ideas for tobacco mixtures. In 1903 he opened the House of Rattray in Perth, thus founding one of the largest tobacco companies on the British Isles. Charles Rattray is still a well-known name in the pipe smoking world, his tobaccos are highly rated by connoisseur smokers. Located in Perth the Rattrays tobacconist not only sold tobaccos, but like most tobacconists blended on site too. His skills with tobacco eventually saw the shop become a blending house in its own right.
While Charles never produced his own pipes, he worked closely with English pipe makers for his private label pipes. In more recent years the Perth factory has now closed and the brand was saved by German blending master Kohlhase&Kopp.
- Example of a pre K&K made Rattray's pipe, courtesy Doug Valitchka
Oliver Kopp has been the driving force behind the Rattrays pipes, using a number of traditional makers in Saint-Claude (Chacom & Butz-Choquin) and also by factories in Italy (Gigi, Brebbia, L'anatra) and Altinay for the Meerschaum pipes. Fitting to the purest tobaccos, the pipe series are characterized by high quality materials and workmanship and are often modeled on the tobacco names. Outstanding, of course, is the use of bog oak in the Bog Oak Collection, providing perfect qualities of smoke and cool smoking pleasure it's a pity but this pipe is not longer in production. The use of various makers allows the collection to have a very wide range of classic British shapes, using production methods dating back over 100 years.
In my experience I rarely meet a man like Oliver. The spirit, the drive, fantastic.
One word to the designer Oliver. He has the skills to modernize the older shapes to the taste of today.
It's an honor for me to present you the Rattray's Pipe of the Year for 2015. It's a pipe in a British style, just as a gentleman prefers. As you can see the pipe is available in three versions, each with silver fittings:
- Pipe of the Year for 2015 in three finishes
- Example of Goblin Model, with Presentation and details, courtesy Doug Valitchka
- Current production examples
In addition to pipes in briar Rattray's also offers quality Meerschaum pipes. Bellow are some examples. You can find these and more on the website here
- Current Meerschaum examples
Contact information:
http://www.rattrays-pipes.com http://www.kopp-pipes.com
- More current production examples