Danish Pipe Brands & Makers A - D
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An excellent selection of Danish Estate pipes is available at The Danish Pipe Shop (A Pipedia Underwriter)
A | |
ÅGE | Åge Bogelund |
Åge Bogelund | |
Aalbørg | Private line made for Tinder Box by Erik Nørding |
A. David, Ltd. | |
A. H. | Alberth Hansens |
Albion | An outlet of the former Bentley production. |
Andersen | Need information, see also Finn Meyan Andersen, and Finn Andersen |
Andersen | Søren Eric Andersen; Søndersø. |
Anderson | Brand of Jorgen Larsen. |
Anne Julie | "Anne-Julie" Rasmussen, "Anne-Julie" Nielsen; Læsø. |
Antique | Second brand produced by Viggo Nielsen. Antique pipes are also known from France and Italy. |
Anton | Poul Anton Knudsen |
Arslev | Flemming Arslev |
Atterup Pibemageri | Name of Emil Chonowitsch's workshop |
B | |
Balleby Pipes | Kurt Balleby Hansen; Almind. |
Baltzersen | Benny Baltzersen |
Bang | see S. Bang, Sven Bang; Copoenhagen |
Bari | A large company in Kolding run for many years by Viggo Nielsen and his sons. Today it's a one-man operation by Helmer Thomsen; Vejen. |
Baronet | Need Information, apparently a Danish Brand, but also a Savinelli Sub-brand, and GBD brand. |
Bay | Mike Bay |
BBJ piber | Børge Blume-Jensen; Næstved. |
Bech | Knud Bech; Tårs. |
Beck | Theodor Beck; Fano |
Bierre | Dan Bierre. |
Ben Wade | The Danish Ben Wade were made by Preben Holm. |
Benner | Bent Nielsen. |
Benni Pipes | Benni Jørgensen; Præstø. |
Bentley | Brand by Hans Jonny Nielsen aka "Former" |
Bergspiber | Brand by Jørgen Berg Christensen; Jyllinge near Roskilde dk |
Bernhard Julie | son of Anne Julie |
Bertran | K. Bertran |
Best Danish | No details known! |
Bijou | Second by Stanwell; discontinued. |
Bjarne | Bjarne Nielsen (broken pipe); Lyngby |
Bjornemose | Henryk Bjornemose |
BMH | No details known! |
Bogelund | Åge Bogelund |
Borgart | Leo Borgart; København. |
Bötticher | Bötticher - Handmade in Denmark |
BOYSEN | Bent Boysen; also a prominent lamp/furniture designer. |
Brakner | Peter Brakner (broken pipe) |
Brandt | Hans Brandt; København |
Briarline | |
C | |
Cap Belton | Brand produced by the old Tabago of (Denmark); distributed in the USA by Gesty Trading & Mfg. Corp. |
CARLOM | Maker for Pipe-Dan. |
Celius | Svend Axel Celius; Bogø By. Broken pipe. |
Center for Danish Pipes | |
Champ of Denmark | See Larsen & Stigart and Karl Erik. |
Charles Fairborn, (Helmer Thomsen) | |
Chieftan | Lopes states this is Jarl Chieftan, but see also Jarl, as there may be some confusion |
Chonowitsch | Emil Chonowitsch; Fakse. ?Haslev? |
Jess Chonowitsch; Haslev | |
Chr Henrik | Henrik Christian Christensen |
Christensen, Jørgen Berg | See Bergspiber; Jyllinge near Roskilde dk |
Christensen | Lars Christensen. H. Dan Christensen (owner and designer at Pipe-Dan. |
Copenhagen | brand sold by Mastercraft, and in Denmark by Dan Pipe |
Cortina | No details known! |
Crown | Second brand produced by Preben Holm and today by Poul Winslow. |
D | |
D.E.V. | Need Information |
Dahl | Helge Y. Dahl; Ringsted. |
Danco | |
Danbark | Sub-brand of Søren Refbjerg Rasmussen, see Refbjerg. |
Danets | Need Information |
Danish Clipper | Danish brand of Kriswill |
Danish Natural | Need Information |
Danish Quaint | No details known! |
Danish Sovereign | Second by Stanwell |
Danish Special | Sub-brand / second of Kriswill. |
Danmore | The pipes appeared next to other manufacture brands (Tabago, Torben Dansk e.a.) in the first cataloge of Dan Pipe (originally named "Danske Pibe"), a pipe and tobacco mailing enterprise established by Heiko Behrens in 1972. Following the pipes became well-known and quite popular in Germany. |
Danpipes | brand of Danish shop "Skovbo" pipes, perhaps made by Skovbo Piber?? |
Danske Club | mass produced Stanwell second with superimposed letters DC symbol |
Dantonian Pipe Works | joint venture of Sven Knudsen & Teddy Knudsen; Næstved. |
Davids | Need information |
Den Kongelige Porcelainsfabrik | |
Diamond | English brand, also a brand used by Gasparini, Bari, and Ser Jacopo |
DON / Don | Bari sub-brand??? - not confirmed! Series: Old Briar. |
Dori | |
Dorlit, Helge (Ms.) | |
D R Handskaret | |
Duncan | |
Dybsø | Made by Benny S. Christensen who lived in Dybsø near Næstved. |