Racines |
GBD sub-brand / second.
Randolph |
Brand sold by Adolph Elkin Co. and A. Lewis Ltd.
Redman |
John Redman; London.
Redental |
Brand of John Redman
Redmanol |
Early 20th century brand, marketed by A.W. Bishop and Redmanol Chemical Products
Redonian |
John Redman; London.
Reffell |
Saml. Reffell, tobacco & pipe maker. Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk.
Regency Park |
Regency Park - Made in England
Rest Lite |
GBD sub-brand / second.
R.J. Circles |
Brand of Richard Johnson and Sons
Richard Johnson and Sons
Racines |
Likely a GBD sub-brand / second
Rex M. Key |
Broseley Clay Tobacco Pipes; Broseley, Shropshire
Former brand of R. Hovenden & Sons. Lopes links them to Gresham Giants, a Comoy's second
Richmond |
Sasieni sub-brand / second.
Ringleader |
Brand of John Redman
Riseagle |
19th century brand from C.J. Verguet Freres. Also brand of W.B. Hass, and Oppenheimer Pipe. Stopped after WW II
Rocket |
Pipe with changeable bowls by Oppenheimer Pipe and distributed by Bernhardt & Mayers
Rockwood |
GBD sub-brand / second.
Roland |
English brand produced by Brebbia for Lenard Mnfg. Co.
Rolf’s |
Rolf’s - Made in London
Romford Pipes |
Ashton sub-brand / second.
Ross Arundel |
Various makers including Orlik, previously confused with the commonly found Sasieni sub-brand named Arundel.
Royal Bruyere |
Former brand produced by Hardcastle
Royal Comoy |
Early 20th century brand made by Comoy's until the 1950s, preceding the Blue Riband
Royal Coachman |
Comoy's sub-brand / second.
Royal Crown |
Brand by Hardcastle
Royal Duke |
Continental Briar Pipe Co.; New York City. Also used in England by Linkman Pipes, Comoy's, and Hardcastle
Royal Falcon |
Comoy's sub-brand / second.
Royal Sovereign |
Orlik sub-brand / second; also used by Stanwell
Royal Stuart |
Sasieni sub-brand / second.
Royal Triumph |
An Orlik sub-brand / second.
Former brand of R.S. Bolton Ltd., early 20th century
S.Hecht, Sons et Prag |
Early 20th century Saint-Claude factory with a branch in London
S.MC Lardy Co. |
Lopes sites connection with LTD, Oxford, and Swan brands
S.M.R. |
S.M.R. - London Made
S.Weingott & Son |
Early 20th century firm. FEC, SW, and Weingott brands; London
Sabre |
Former brand of Bra-Way
Salmon & Gluckstein |
Early 20th century brand
Salon |
Former brand of Adolph Elkin, with changeable bowls and metal shanks
Sandurst |
Sasieni sub-brand / second.
Sasieni |
Saville |
Brand of Beney, Ltd. also made as house pipe for G. A. Georgopulo
Savory |
(Savery's). Brand created in 1885 by H.L. Savory & Co.; London and Oxford
Savory's Argylle |
Dunhill sub-brand / second.
Savoy |
Brand of Oppenheimer Pipe/Comoy's, also sold by M. Linkman & Co.
Singleton & Cole Ltd. (also Brunette)
Scorpio Deluxe |
GBD sub-brand / second.
Scotland Yard |
Comoy's sub-brand / second.
Scout |
Comoy's early 30-50s. sub-brand / second.
Scott |
D. McDougall
Scrimshaw |
English freehands sold by Comoy's
Sefton |
Obsolete brand made for E. Deguingand & Son
Sharrow Briars |
Brand, at least some produced by Laxey Pipes Ltd.; Symbol S
Siesta |
L.S. Glass; London. See Glass.
Silver Match |
Inexpensive brand sold by Roy Tallent Ltd. Symbol: SM
Silverado |
GBD sub-brand / second.
Simmons |
Former brand of Tobacconist, S. Simmons
Sims |
G.W. Sims. London.
Sir Vickie |
Sir Vickie - London
Snap-Fit |
Former English brand of A. Frankau & Co. and Sub-brand of GBD (France)
Southorn |
Former English clay pipe factory, which closed in 1957
Sovereign |
GBD sub-brand / second.
Special A / Special B |
GBD. Offered as private brand pipe; stampings on customer's comand.
Sport |
Brand of J. Cohen & Son. Also a Salvatella series, and a model by Chacom
SS&Co |
Early 20th century brand of Shaw, Sons & Company
Early 20th century brand by the Simon Vuillard & Strauss factory
Stadium |
Former English brand
Stanley |
Former brand of D.T. Harris & Sons
St James |
Comoy's sub-brand / second.
Steel's |
Former Anglo-French brand produced by Civic and La Bruyère
Stonehaven |
Former brand popular in Scotland, and made by various British factories.
Stonehenge |
Former brand stamped "Stonehenge/Made in London/ England"
Strand |
Need Information
Stump |
Sasieni sub-brand / second.
Former English brand by Vuillard & Strauss
Suffolk |
North American Brand from Whitehall in England, and sold by Tyler & Co.
Sullivan Powel |
Brand of tobacconist, some made by Upshall
Sunrise |
Comoy's sub-brand / second. Also Chapuis-Comoy
Superflame |
GBD sub-brand / second.
SW |
Former brand of S. Weingott & Son
Swan |
Former Brand
Tallent |
Roy Tallent Ltd.; Silver Match
Taylor |
A. Taylor & Son; 73B Victoria St., London SW1
Taylor |
William John Taylor became "Bill Ashton-Taylor. See Ashton.
Taylor & Breeden |
Tobacconist and pipe dealer, 1851-1981; Manchester, England
Taylor Made |
Stamp of Bill Ashton-Taylor after leaving Dunhill, now an Ashton second.
Tdott |
Peter Leslie; Great Wakering., Essex
Television |
Brand sold by A. Grunfield Co., produced by Gasparini
Tennison, Dan |
Influential pipe maker for Charatan
The Exmoor Pipe |
Appears to be a Comoy's sub-brand / second - Made in England
The Golden Arrow |
Comoy's sub-brand / second.
The Hurricane Pipe |
Nutt Products Ltd.; London
Theydon |
GBD sub-brand / second.
Thomas Radford |
clay pipe maker (1610-1675); London, and famous for blends
Thorburn Clark |
Brand from Thorburn Clark Ltd.
Thorneycroft |
BBB sub-brand / second.
Three Squires |
North American brand made by Comoy's
Throgmorton |
Comoy's early sub-brand / second.
Tilshead |
Mordechai Ezrati (proprietor) & Barry Jones (pipemaker). See James Upshall.
Timber |
Tinder Box |
Comoy's sub-brand / second.
Tinder Box Unique |
Charatan for "The Tinder Box", USA.
Topper |
GBD sub-brand / second.
Topsall Portland |
Barling sub-brand / second.
Tower of London |
Need information
Town Club |
GBD sub-brand / second.
Town Hall |
Comoy's sub-brand / second.
Townsman |
Meerschaum pipe brand of Parker, made by Tanganyika Meerschaum Corporation
Trafalgar Square |
US brand made by Comoy's
Trident |
Produced by E. Deguingand & Son, and Comoy's
Triomphe |
GBD sub-brand / second.
Turf |
Vuillard & Strauss
Tweed |
Sasieni sub-brand / second.
Twenty-One |
Former Anglo-French brand created in the 1950s by C.J. Verguet Freres and Oppenheimer Pipe
Twin Bore |
Created in the 1950s by Comoy's, and sold by John Redman Ltd./British Empire Pipe Co.
Tudor Rose |
Astley's sub-brand / second.